Badaree, mortally wounded. Philip Theirs and Adam Eifler missing.
Company D - Peter Barth, killed. F. Rumery, Justin E. Cretton, severely wounded;
J. Kingsland, H. Hinke, slightly; F. Prottman, H. Mandle, F. Abel, M.
Wagner and T. Bethel, missing.
Company E - Jos. Graetzer, missing.
Company H - Christian Finningson, severely wounded.
Company I - Jos. Mesner, severely wounded. Levi Dean, Jacob Brick, George W. Coles,

Military Appointments. Among the recent military appointments by the Governor, the
following will doubtless be of interest to our readers:

In the 27th Regiment -- Major TenEyck G. Olmstead as Lieut. Col.; Capt. Charles H.
Cunningham, of Co. A, as Major, vice Olmstead, promoted; Sergt. Major D. Lepreletto Moore,
as Ist Lieut. and Adjutant, vice Meyer, resigned; Q. M. Sergt. Joseph Kent, as Quartermaster,
vice Shafter, resigned.

Fourth Cavalry...

The friends of Sheboygan County boys named in the above, will be glad to hear of their

27 Reg. Wis. Vol., Ist Div. 2d Brig., 7th A[rmy] C[orps], Little Rock, Ark.

Mr. Editor: These being stirring and exciting times to soldiers, and having read in
different newspapers, that the Government will now expect 100-day men, to help to deal the
finishing blow to the rebellion, and also having read that Wisconsin, together with Pennsylvania
and Ohio, is called upon to furnish her quota of such men, the question arises among us soldiers
from Sheboygan and County, how patriotic will Sheboygan County prove herself, and how many
patriots will come forward to swell the ranks of our Army? It has been said by many, "I can not
leave my family for three years, but could for 90 or 100 days." -- Now the time has come to
prove your assertion true. Relieve the Old Soldiers, now in fortifications, they will do the
fighting, and you will do your duty to your Country by holding the Fortifications in their stead.
Come forward, men, and the soldiers will honor and bless you for your Patriotism!

From A Soldier.”

Little Rock Ark June 6, 1864
Mrs Stannard
Yours of April 28th was received May 9th But I have delayed answering in hopes
something would turn up as that I would have something to write about.



Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, June 4, 1864, p. 1/5.


Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, June 4, 1864, p. 1/4.


* Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, June 4, 1864, p. 1/5.