Snyder's Bluff Miss July 17, 1863
Henry Stannard, Esqr
Dear Sir,
I hereby send you a specified report of the accounts, dues, outstandings & expenditures of
your father. If anything should be not clear to you, Mr Knowles will be able to explain it to you
a. Credits & outstandings are
His purse, containing $22.00
Lt Witte, collected by me $30.00
Small dues, after deducting two small accounts
(see Captains little Memorandum Book) $ 5.50
b. Dues and expenditures
Company fund balance due and incare of Capt $71.26

Coffin (see receipt) $86.40
Total $157.66
Balance $100.16
c. Recapitulation, dues from the Captain

Company fund $71.26
Money borrowed from B. Collins $ 5.00

" " Capt Hobart $10.00

" " Lt. Schlaich $13.90

Total $100.16

To my and Mr. Knowles knowledge, our old Sutler, Kroeger from Milwaukee, owes the
Captain $15.00. This sum is partly secured by orders which are in the hands of that fellow, but he
is not here and I never saw him since we left Columbus. Furthermore he is discharged as Sutler of
the 27th and so it 1s quite a precarious thing about collecting the money. I therefore did not
mention this item under the outstandings, but with some time you may depend on me that I shall
try my best to get the money, and then I will send it to you immediately.

All the other things can now be satisfactorily explained to you by Mr. Knowles, and I am
really glad, that he is going home, for he can remove from you good many painfull rumors, which
are reported through the county without the least reason and foundation.

Hoping that you all are well, I remain, with my most sincere respects to all of you.

J. Schlaich'™

THE 27TH REGIMENT. The last accounts state that Major OLMSTED, of this
Regiment, was very seriously ill at Columbus, Ky., and Capt. RANKIN was acting as Major.'"”

Major OLMSTED, of the 27th, reached here on Tuesday. He has been very severely ill at
Columbus, Ky., and is yet an invalid. We understand the Major does not look much like his


8 Stannard Family Papers, Manuscript Collection, Old Wade House State Historic Site.
'? The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, July 17, 1863, p. 2/6.