Results For Wells Outside of Town of Algoma

STREET NAME    TOWNSHIP   WUWN    WELL CASING  CONSTRUCTION    WELL TYPE                      ARSENIC (ppb)                  IRON (ppm) pH (S.U.) CON (umhos/cm)
(feet into StP)  DATE                  Nov. 2000 Apr. 2001 Aug. 2001 Dec. 2001 Mar/Apr. 2002 Avg. Conc. Nov. 2000 Apr. 2001  Apr. 2001
Kiely Way      Clayton    NN 769      14          1999/oct       original   11      11     10.9   12.1     12.8       11.6      0.67    7.9       414
Mielke Road    Osborn     HK 462      23         1994/may        original   29      27     29.4   31.1     25.3       28.4      26      6.8       908
Weelaunee Drive Utica     IG 250      23          1995/july      original    0      NT     NT      NT        0        0.0       0.74    NT        NT
Apollo Court   Clayton    MS 148      24          2000/may       original   0.8     1.1    1.4      0        0        0.7        0      7.1       895
CTY RD GG      Vinland    HY 713      26          1994/oct       original   12      12     13.4   14.9     14.3       13.3      1.7     6.5       667
Kortney Lane   Osborn     KL 509      39          1995/nov       original   0.7     NT     NT      NT       0         0.4       1.9     NT        NT
Grandview Road  Winchester MR 920     64          1998/aug    replacement   0.7     0.9     0      0         0        0.3       1.7     7.8       648
STH 168        Seymour    HL480       82         1994/sept     replacement  1.4     NT     NT      NT        0        0.7       1.6      NT       NT
Center Road    Clayton    NK 899      87          1999/nov    replacement   14      19     15     22.3     11.7       16.4      7.2     7.7       647
Elm Road (A)*  Angelica   MY 397      93          1999/feb     replacement  570    1100    NA      NA       NA       835.0      240     3.5        NT
Elm Road (B)*  Angelica   OP 469      115        2001/april   replacement   NA      NA     1.6     1.3      3.2       2.0       NT      NT        NT
Oakwood Avenue Clayton    KQ 450      94         1996/june    replacement   150    150     127     156      157      148.0      3.4     7.8       717
I-rencn I-oad (Af Osborn  I-U 1      11T        19u3/marcn   reconstructed  1u RT         N       NX NX             TUT             - NIA       N
French Road (B)* Osborn   OQ 983     195         2001/april   replacement   NA     5,2     2.9     1.7      2         3,0       NA      6.8       649
Quarry Road    Center     HN 392      130         1994/june   replacement   4.6     NT     NT      NT       3.4       4.0       17      NT        NT
Mayflower Drive  Grand Chute HL 209   183         1994/feb     replacement  30      27     27.6    25      23.8       26.7      11      7.7       783

*The wells on Elm Road and French Road were both replaced during the course of this study.
In both cases, well (A) would be the first well that was included in the study and well (B) was the second well that completed the study.

Arsenic Results Key
<10 ppb
10 - 49 ppb
> 50 ppb
NA = Not Available
NT = Not Tested
ppb = parts per billion
ppm = parts per million
CON = Conductivity