* Despite its behemoth size,
the University of Wisconsin

is trying desperately to
maintain direct personal

contact with each of its
23,000 students. A new Stu-
dent Counseling Center of-
fers guidance on all and
sundry problems, is well

patronized by puzzled un-
dergraduates. Wisconsin

wants to demonstrate that
bigness does-not necessarily

  "TO HELP the student to help
  Four years ago, with this phi-
losophy as his guide, Prof. Lewis
E. Drake organized the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin Student Coun-
seling Center, and began giving
vocational aptitude, achievement,
and personality tests to students.
  Today Professor Drake, still
stressing the same philosophy,
has expanded from a one-room office
in 117 Bascom Hall to the entire base-

ment quarters in the campus YMCA.
The man who started with only the aid
of a secretary and a handful of part-
time student workers now finds him-
self directing a staff of 13 full-time
employees and numerous part-time stu-
  Professor Drake's present staff in-
cludes three counselors, three person-
nel assistants, one reading specialist,
two graduate students in study habits,
one psychometrist, one in charge of test
scoring, and two secretaries.
  The counseling staff is selected on
the basis of training beyond a master's
degree in psychology or education.

  To show the popularity of his tests,
Professor Drake has figures which
state that last year over 1200 students
came to the Student Counseling center
to take tests which would help them
solve perplexing problems regarding
their occupational objectives, s t u d y
habits, and personality. This year the
center will offer advice to about 1800
  Such tests aid a competent counselor
in determining not only the student's
traits, but the life-work he would be
happiest doing and stands the best
chance of making good at.
  Student counseling is not the only
function of the center. It also is in
charge of the state testing service, and
scores both intelligence tests given in
the state high schools and admission
tests given to University freshmen.