In August 1898 the residents of Spring Brook petitioned the Board to
build a school in their amea, but it was not until 1900 thiat a Comuittee of
the Board recoamended the construction of such a School. The lot chosen we
in the Congers Addition - Southeast corner of Eastern and Industrial Avenue
and was the gift of Ux-?hyor John Thoroughgood. The plans vere subitted in
July and a contract for $l,975 accepted for a school to be ready for use
in September.
In May 1907 a petition was presented by about 200 residents asking the
Board of Education to remodel the Jefferson school building "so as to =ae i
sanitary and modern in construction." An architect was hired and presented
plans for constructing a wing on the south, and remodeling the old part, aid
installing a new heating and ventilating plant. The contract was let to
J. P. Cullen for $20,000.
In 1904 the Board of Education agreed to permit the County Normal School
to use the third floor of the Jefferson School for a term of not more than
three years.
In 1911 the Board of Education requested an appropriation of $1,000 to
equip the third floor of the Jefferson Building for the we of the Rock C
County Training School. The County Training School was to have free use of
the third floor of the Jefferson Building, but all repairs and equipmnt were
to reain the permanent property of the City of Janesville* The ligting,
heating, Janitor service, and water bills were to be paid by the County.
The Board agreed that "The City of Janesville will offer practice teaching
facilities to the Senior Class of the Training School for one-quarter during
the yer, but the rooms designated for that purpose will be determined by
the city sqerintndent of schools." The Training School used the Jefferson
Building until the School wes discontinued in 1933.
In 1914 it we necessary to construct a two room addition to the Douglas
Building at a cost of approximately $7,600.