Next to Post Office.,      f& 
-m-       JANESVILLE, WIS.    Egl Ira    o 'FI  NW  . 
GRA             BwJT] 276    [Dxmanov.         GUE 
Gray George S. com.-trav. res. 756 Bluff. 
Gray Hattie F. Mrs. carpet weaver, 218 State, res. same. 
Gray James, brakeman, res. 106 5th. 
Gray Leslie, painter, res. 612 Pleasant. 
Gray Nellie (wid. James) res. 608 Oak. 
Grey William A. carpet weaver, 409 St. Paul av. res. same. 
Green Frank J. res. 617 Central av. 
Green Isaac tailor, Brown's blk. res. 418 Highland av. 
Green James, res. 359 Vernon av. 
Green Louisa Mrs. res. 552 S. Race. 
Green Lucinda A. (wid. Asa W.) res. 617 Central av. 
Green William, com.-trav. res. 433 Broad. 
Greene Adaline, res. 425 St. Paul av. 
Greene Charles 0. res. 425 St. Paul av. 
Greene Edgar S. teller, L. C. Hyde & Brittan, res. 622 Broad. 
Greene Helen M. res. 425 St. Paul av. 
Greene John, carp. res. 611 School. 
Greenwood Annette (wid. Alfred A.) res. 215 D. 
Greenwood Edwin A. com.-trav. res. 640 8th. 
Greenwood Frank D. painter, res. 808 W. Bridge. 
Greenwood Henry, cigarmkr. res. 373 W. Bridge. 
Greenwood John F. painter, res. 753 Brooks. 
Greenwood John T. painter, 759 Brooks, res. 753 Brooks. 
Gregory Carroll S. plumber, 417 School, res. 516 College av. 
Gregory Charles H. mach. res. 916 Park av. 
Griffin Thomas E. watchman, res. 1010 4th. 
Grimm Nora, domestic, 481 Harrison av. 
Grimm William, mach. res 443 S. Bridge. 
Grinnell Grace I. res. 407 Bluff. 
Grinnell William H. treas. Beloit Iron Works, res. 407 Bluff. 
Groshong William, cook, res. 415 St. Paul av. 
Grout Charles, student, res. 810 Clary. 
Grout John D. farmer, res. 810 Clary. 
Grovesteen George M. (H. V. Grovesteen & Son) res. 410 
Grovesteen H. V. & Son (Howland V. and George M. Groves- 
teen) whol. paper, 142 State. 
Grovesteen Howland V. (H. V. Grovesteen & Son) res. 622 
Guernsey Alfred G. printer, res. 355 Euclid av. 
Guernsey Evangeline, res. 355 Euclid av. 
Guernsey Lucius T. res. 355 Euclid av. 
Guettschow Charles, lab. res. 725 8th. 
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