Young Men's Christian Association, n. w. cor. W. Milwaukee 
and N. High-Dr. E. E. Loomis, pres.; C. S. Cleland, v.- 
res.; J. C. Kline, gen. sec.; H. J. Cunningham, rec. sec.; 
S . Jeffris, treas. Services, men's meetings, Sunday 3 p. 
m.; Bible class, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. 
St. Joseph's Academy, s. w. cor. Holmes and Lincoln-Con- 
ducted by the Sisters of Mercy. 
St. Joseph's School, s. w. cor. Holmes and Lincoln-Con- 
ducted by the Sisters of Mercy. 
St. Paul's School, n. s. School bet. Cherry and S. Academy- 
Miss Mary Gallitz, teacher. 
St. Joseph's Convent of Mercy, s. w. cor. Holmes and Lincoln 
-Mother Agnes, Sister Superior. 
Detention Hospital, s. end S. Bluff-G. W. Phelps, mngr. 
Oak Lawn Hospital, Hyland av. n. St. Mary's av. 
Palmer Memorial Hospital, 220 Washington-E. E. Loomis, 
pres.; J. F. Pember, v.-pres.-treas.; R. W. Edden, sec.; W. 
H. Palmer, supt. 
Oak Hill Cemetery, w. s. Washington at n. city limts--Rob- 
ert W. Scott, sexton. 
Mount Olivet Cemetery, w. s. Washington n. city limits- 
Michael Flanigan, sexton. 
Janesville Lodge No. 55, F. & A. M.-G. H. Erredge, W. M.; 
Jas. W. Clark, S. W.; Chancey Bailey, J. W.; C. E. Church, 
sec.; G. K. Coiling, treas. Meets 2d and 4th Monday of each 
month at Masonic Hall, n. e. cor. E. Milwaukee and Main. 
Western Star Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M.-J. L Croft, W. M.; 
George Davis, S. V.; H. S. Sloan, J. W.; F. H. Baack, sec.; 
James Shearer, treas. Meets 1st and 3d Tuesday of each 
month at Masonic Hall, n. e. cor. E. Milwaukee and Main. 
Janesville Chapter No. 5, R. A. M.-Stephen Hotelling, H. 
P.; I. M. Harrington, K.; Thomas 0. Howe, scribe: Edward 
Fifield, sec.; Jas. Shearer, treas. Meets 1st and 3d Thursday 
of each month at Masonic Hall. 
Janesville Commandery No. 2, K. T.-Theo. W. Goldin, E. 
C.; I. M. Herrington, gen.; E. D. McGowan, C. G.; C. F_. 
Ranous, recorder; W. F. Carle, treas. Meets 2d and 4th 
Eastern Star No. 69, 0. E. S.-Mrs. Mary F. Sherwood, W. 
F. H. Baack, W. P.; Mrs. Nellie Sanborn, A. M., Mrs. W. 
F. Carle, treas.; Mrs. F. B. Strickler, sec. Meets 2d and 4th 
Wednesday of each month.