LARGEST AND FINEST STOCKOFF              R       T     R 
InSuo            l011.OF FURNITURE 
Is Southern WimuosIn. 
FRANK D. KIMBALL, .o.,JL. Janesville, Wis. 
PHY            RocK Co.]   412  [DiRzoToRY.         REA 
Physicians-OontinuL                        Plumbers 
Johnson H. P. BeloiL 
Jones John W. Clinton.               F1rans Charles, Beloit. 
Kelthley John W. Ortordvllle.        OreSgory C. S. Beloit. 
Lay S. W. Footville.               Waketord Z. J. & Co. Clinton. 
Lord James, Edgerton. 
McAbe W. F. Beolt.                              Potterie. 
McChesney Willard. Edgerton. 
MoManus W. 0. Edgerton.              Edgerton Art Clay Works, Edgertn. 
M=aoy Adelmoln B. Shoplere.          Edgerton Pottery Co. Edgerton. 
Ma~mon Albert B. Milton Junction. 
Meoen W. A. Beloit.                              Printers. 
Merriman C. W. Beloit                         e* also Newspapers 
Montgomery Mary Mrs. Clinton. 
Nyo F. T. Beloit.                     ANDREWS MARILLA & CO. Evansville.

Ovlatt William H. Milton Junction.   ANTES & MAOIE, Evansville. 
Piere William, Milton Junction.     Coon F. W. Edgerton. 
Reed W. A. Beloit.                   Davis Bros. Milton. 
Rockwell Win. M. Johnstown Center.   Davis Printing Co. Milton Junction.

Shepard 3. L. Edgerton.              Howell R. B. Beloit. 
Smith Charles M. Sr. Evansville.     Libby C. A. Evansville. 
C. 0. WARNER, 
Platrit~g, Sawirgg adTurf)it)%, 
Veranda Columns, Newel Posts, Banisters, 
Spindles and Mouldings 
Water Power.          725 Race St.      BELOIT, WIS. 
Smith Charles M. Jr. Evansville. 
Spawn M. 0. Beloit. 
Speoer G. F. Evansville. 
Stair T. F. Evansville. 
Stetson Henry R. Lina Center. 
Stillman H. W. Edgerton. 
Townsend James M. Clinton. 
Van Doelinder Rile M. Beloit. 
Wright Alexander. Clinton. 
Pianos and Organs. 
Sargent J. 3. Beloit. 
Picture Frames. 
Potter Homer, Evansville. 
Panin gills. 
WARNER C. 0. Beloit. 
Plow Kanufacturers. 
Gesley Mnfg. Co. Beloit. 
Thompson J. & Sons Mnag. Co. Beloit. 
Produce Deslsts. 
Fredenhagen & Curtis, Belolt. 
Pumps and Windmills. 
Babcock E. S. & Son, Milton. 
Baker Mntg. Co. Evansville. 
Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Deloit. 
Falrbans Morse & Co. Beloil. 
Holcomb Rre. & Co. Beloit 
Ogden Thomas. Footville. 
Thompson & Heyerdahl, Orfordvlle. 
eLW 31state Deesrs. 
Adams E. D. Mrs. Beloit. 
Austin H. L Evansville. 
Baldwin & House, Beloit. 
Dibble & Fisher., vansville. 
Reckhow William, Beloit. 
Swope & Bullock. Beit. 
Turner & Merrill, Deloit. 
Go to 31=Im--MT- A OAW lv tim best 
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