AJ. T. FITCHUITM, hmwg, 
PEN]RAB            ,25 . -d lt. 
INVrrATnMW ...                    .... JANBSVILLE, WIS. 
DEM         JANMVILLB] 82 (DRMnORY.            DIE 
Deming Johanna (wid. David) res. 258 Mineral Pt. av. 
Dempsey John, truckman, res. 210 Cherry. 
Deneen Jeremiah, lab. res. n. s. St. Mary's av. 1 w. Caroline. 
Denning Joseph J. carp.-contr. res. 205 Cherry. 
Denning Kittie, shoemkr. res. 3 Linn. 
Denning Maggie, machine-opr. res. 3 Linn. 
Denning Minerva J. (wid. John) res. 5 Garfield av. 
Denning William L. carp. res. 3 Linn. 
Denniston James A. res. 123 Madison. 
Denniston William, res. 123 Madison. 
Denton James, painter, res. 2161 N. Franklin. 
Dermody Bros. (Edmund M. and Thomas F. Dermody) sa- 
loon, 105 W. Milwaukee. 
Dermody Edmund M. (Dermody Bros.) res. 105 W. Milwau- 
Dermody Hannah (wid. James) res. 421 S. Franklin. 
Dermody James, butcher, res. 421 S. Franklin. 
Dermody Kittie Miss, clk. res. 421 S. Franklin. 
Dermody Thomas F. (Dermody Bros.) res. 105 W. Milwau- 
Des Roche David, burnisher, res. 218 S. Main. 
Dettmer Annie (wid. Henry) res. 158 Racine. 
Dettmer William F. carp. res. 305 Locust. 
Devins George H. condr. res. 10 Linn. 
Devoe Charles, res. 58 Pleasant. 
Dewey Alfred, carp. res. 51 Milton av. 
Dewey Amelia (wid. Martin) res. 25:1 N. Bluff. 
Dewey E. May, knitter, res. 1 S. Hickory. 
Dewey Frank M. carp. res. 1 S. Hickory. 
Dewey Harry B. cigarmkr. res. 159 W. Milwaukee. 
Dewey Hiram L. loco.-engnr. res. 165 Linn. 
Dewey John, cigarnmfr. 161 W. Milwaukee, res. same. 
Dewey Rena A. knitter, res. 1 S. Hickory. 
De Witt Graham S. asst.-supt. Prudential Ins. Co. 4 Lap- 
pin's blk. res. 289 S. Main. 
Dexter William M. barber, res. 6 Pease ct. 
De Young Cornelius W. com. tray. 118 N. Main. 
Dick Edith, domestic, 101 S. East. 
Dickinson Edwin J. res. 270 Prospect av. 
Diehis Carl W. clk. 20 W. Milwaukee, res. 13 Ruger av. 
Diehls Charles R. gasmkr. res. 155 N. Bluff. 
Diehls George W. farmer, res. 13 Ruger av. 
Diehls Mathilda Miss, res. 13 Ruger av. 
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