gas            EDGERTON DIRECTORY. 
Baptist-Services 10 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sundays; 7:30 p. in. 
Thursdays; Sunday-school, 12 in.; e. s. Albion, bet. Front. 
and Rollin. 
Congregational Church-Rev. H. 0. Spelman, pastor; ser- 
vices, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.; Sunday-school, 12 m. 
Rollin, near Fulton. 
St. Joseph Church (Cath.) -Rev. J. E. Harlin, pastor. Ser- 
vices, every Sunday, 10:30 a. in.; Sunday-school, 3:00 p. 
in.; n. s. Lord, 3 e. Main. 
Ev. Luth. Norwegian Church-Rev. D. G. Ristad, pastor. 
Services every second Sunday at 10:30 a. in.; Sunday- 
school every Sunday at 9:30 a. in.; cor. Rollin and Henry. 
German Lutheran Church-Rev. J. C. Spilman, pastor. Ser- 
vices, 10 a. in.; Sunday-school, 2:30 p. in.; s. s. High, 6 e. 
Methodist Episcopal Church-Rev. W. W. Woodside, pastor. 
Services, 10:30 a. in. 7:30 p. in.; Sunday-school, 12 in. 
Albion, near Rollin. 
Masonic-Fulton Lodge, No. 69-C. 0. Shannon, W. M.; 
Robert Attlesey, treas.; A. S. Flagg, sec. Meets 1st and 
3d Monday of each month, at Royal Hall. 
Odd Fellows, Edgerton Lodge No. 133--J. 0. Henderson, 
N. G.; Byron Long, sec.; A. P. Richardson, treas. Meets 
every Saturday evening at Royal Hall. 
Odd Fellows, Atlantic Encampment No. 55-Samuel Clark, 
C. P.; Win. Henderson, scribe; J. N. Moulthrop, treas. 
Meets 1st and 3d Monday of each month, at Royal Hall. 
C. T. A. & B.-M. J. Doran, pres.; John Stafford, sec.; J. C. 
Burns, treas. Meets 2d Sunday in each month at Bab- 
cock's HaiL 
0. E. S. Edgerton Chapter No. 63-Mrs. E. C. Flagg, W. M.; 
E. C. Hopkins, W. P.- Mrs. Clara Coon, A. M.; Mrs. E. 
Henderson, sec. Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month 
at Royal Hall. 
G. A. R. H. S. Swift Post No. 137-Alvin Alder, com.; John 
O'Connor, adjt.; T. L. Stillman, Q. M. Meets 1st Tuesday 
of each month at G. A. R. Hall. 
Modern Woodmen, Edgerton Camp No. 440-A. S. Flagg, 
counsel.; S. W. Hargraves, adviser; C. F. Mabbitt, banker; 
G. F. McGiffiin, clerk. Meets 1st and 3d Monday of each 
month at G. A. R. Hall.