180                                          FROM THE RISING OF THE SUN.

Mal. i: It.                                                  X.U 
From the ris - ing  of the sun    ev - en ua - to the go - ing down of  
   the same,       my name           shall be great, 
From the ris - ing  of the sun    ev - en un - to the go - ing down of  
   the same, my name      shall be great,      shall be 
my name           shall be great, 
shall be great a - mong the Gen - tiles;      and  in   ev - 'ry place  
     incense shall be of- fered un    to   the   Lord, 
great a   - mong      the     Gen - tiles; and  in  ev - 'ry  place     
  incense shall be of - -              n- to   the   Lord, 
shall be great a - mong the Gen - tiles;     and   in   ev - 'ry place  
      incense shall be of - fered  un - to  the  Lord, 
in--en,     ia                pi 
in - cense,  in - cense and  a    pure   of - fering; For my name    shall
be   great, for  my  name   shall be   great, for   my 
in - cense,  in - cense and  a   pure    of - fering; For my name    shall
be   great, for  my  name   shall be   great, for   my 
Ab                                               Faster                 