THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM. CONCLUDED,                               129 
SFilm. s(Ow 
sing,we'll sing, we'll sing, we'll sing of Thee, Till all our Bethlehem Star
shall see. 2. Once on the rag - ing seas I  rode, The storm was loud, the

sing,we'll sing, we'll singwe'll sing of Thee, Till all our Bethlehem Star
shall see, 2. Once on the rag ing seas I  rode, The storm was loud, the 
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       .p  -   .,   701,  1-   - - - -- -. 
night was darkThe ocean yawn'd, and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my
found'ring bark; Deep horror then my vitals froze;-Death-struck, I ceas'd
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  -.        _ i.                          ___. 
night was darkThe ocean yawn'd, and rudely blow'd The wind that tossd my
found'ring bark; Dep horror then my vitals f,  .ozbeath-struck, I ceasd the

--  -  t. "  . . ..  .  II                " 
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* 'aster.                                                               
                  D. a. 3d stanza w'ith CHoRUS 
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tide to stem; When sudden-1y,  sudden-ly,  sudden-ly a  star a - rose, It
was the Star, the Star of Beth-lehem, the'Star of Bethle. hem. 
tide to stem; When sudden-ly,  sudden-l ,  sudden-ly a  star a - rose, It
was the Star, the Star of Beth-lehem, the Star of Bethle - hem. 
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