HOW EXCELLENT IS THY NAME. CONCLUDED.                                   
name       in      all the   earth, how ex - eel-lent is thy name     in
      all     tile    earth, how  ex-cel-lent is thy 
name in    all the earth ....... 
name       in      all the earth,                How      ex - eel-lent is
thy name in  all the earth, how  ex - cellent is thy 
how  ex- cellent is  thy name         in    all          the earth! 0   
Lord,          how 
name, 0 Lord, thy name in all the earth!                                
              low ex-cellent! 
How ex - eel-lent ti name!                        How 
/rL       r 
name, 0 Lord, thy name in all the earth ! How ex - cellent thy name,  thy
name, 0 Lord, how ex-cellent. 
excellent    thy name! ............                  How ex-cel-lent thy
name, 0 Lord, thy name!    How ex - cellent is thy 
^  .                                                                    
-ow ex - oellent is thy name, O Lord, in all the earth! Thy name,O Lord,
in  all the earth. 
ex - cellent is thy name,  0  Lord, 0   Lord,....     thy name, 
How ex - cellent is thy name,      thy    name, 0 Lord, in  all the earth!
Thy name, 0 Lord, in all the earth. 
name.    0 Lord, how ex - cellent is thy name,         thy name,