114                                  THE WORLD IS MOVING ON.            
I      o i°     o    _ 1----               __----- 
bat - tle bow  is strung, The ban - ner  is  out-flung, And  gi - ant Wrong
no more is strong, For the world is mov- ug on. 
bat - tle bow   is strung, The ban - ner  is  out-flung, And  gi - antWrong
no more is strong, Forthe world is mov- ing on. 
BEHOLD, 0       GOD, OUR       SHIELD.        MOTET. 
                          WM. B. BiAmurnxu, by per. 
_                      _         P-           i                         
                    r0 k 
Be-hold, 0    God, our Shield, be.hold, ourShield, and look up - on the face
of thine a -noint- ed For a  day in  thy  courtsis 
our ShId.. 
Be- hold, 0   God, our Shield, be-hold. our Shield, and look up- on the face
of thine a-noint-ed; For a day in thy  courts is 
- o 
Be- hold,  0  God, our   Shield.......... 
bet - ter than a thousand. I had rath- er  be  a door-keeper in the house
of my God, than to dwell, than to dwell in the tents of 
than to dwell ...... 
bet -ter than a thousand. I had rath-er  be  a door-keeper in thehouseof
my God, than to dwell, than to dwell in the tents  of 
r-                                                 -7  7-than4 .=o-=    
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. . . . .     " i o   'd w e l l,. . . . . .