
German National Ins. Co. of Chicago, 1. C. Case, agt. 212
Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. of Germany, E. (. .H. Wendt,
agt. 920 State.
Hanover Fire Ins. Co. of New York, Carpenter & Rowland,
agts. 532 Main.
Home Insurance Co. of New York, Wm. Henry Miller, agt.
213 6th.
Insurance Co. of North America of Philadelphia, Pa. Win.
Henry Miller, agt. 213 6th.
Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. of London, Eng. 203
London Assurance Corporation of London, Eng. 203 6th.
London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Carpenter & Rowland,
agts. 532 Main.
Michigan Ins. Co. of Detroit, Mich. 203 6th.
Newark Fire Ins. Co. of Newark, N. J. Nelson & Mogensen,
agts. 920 State.
New York Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. H. C. Case, agt. 212 5th.
New York Underwriters' Agency of New York, N. Y. 203
Niagara Ins. Co. of New York, N. Y. 203 6th.
North British & Mercantile Ins. Co. of London and Edin-
burg, Win. Henry Miller, agt. 213 6th.
Northern Assurance Co. of London, Eng. Carpenter & Row-
land, agts. 532 Main.
North River Ins. Co. of N. Y. H. C. Case, agt. 212 5th.
Northwestern Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Minneapolis, H. C.
Case, agt. 212 5th.
Norwich Union Fire Ins. Society of England, E. G. H.
Wendt, agt. 920 State.
Palatine Ins. Co. The, (Ltd.) of London, Eng. E. G. H.
Wendt, agt. 920 State.
Phenix Ins. Co. of New York, N. Y. 203 6th.
Phoenix Assurance Co. of London, Eng. Carpenter & Row-
land, agts. 532 Main.
Phoenix Ins. Co. of Brooklyn, N, Y. 203 6th.
St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of St. Paul, Minn. Wim. Hen-
ry Miller, agt. 213 6th.
Springfield Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Springfield, Mass. Nel-
son & Mogensen, agts. 920 State.
Star Fire Ins. Co. The, of Louisville, Ky. Carpenter & Row-
land, agts. 532 Main.
Svea Fire & Life Ins. Co. of Gothenburg, Sweden, Nelson &
Mogensen, agts. 920 state.
Transatlantic Fire Ins. Co. of Hamburg, Germany, H. C.
Case, agt. 212 5th.
Union Assurance Society of London, England, 203 6th.
United Firemen's Ins. Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. Nelson &
Mogensen, agts. 920 State.
Insurance Companies-Life
Prudential Ins. Co. of America. 305 Robinson bldg.
Insurance Companies-Plate Glass
New York Plate Glass Ins. Co. of New York, Wim. Henry
Miller, agt. 213 6th.
Insurance Companies-Surety Bonds
American Surety Co. of New York, E. G. H. Wendt, agt.
920 State.
Interior Woodwork
Sherwood, James W. 1616 Phillips av.
Weber-Bahnemann Co. The, 1117 N. Main.
Iron Founders
American Skein & Foundry Co. 23d s. w. cor. Racine.
Belle City Malleable Iron Co. 1500 Kewaunee.
Chalmers & Co. C. & N. W. Ry. s. 10th.
Lakeside Malleable Castings Co. Clark s. w. cor. 23d.
Racine Brass & Iron Co. 14th w. St. Paul tracks.
Racine Mal. & Wrought Iron Co. 21st s. w. cor. Clark.
Reliance Iron & Engine Co. 1001-1009 Geneva.
Smith Hiram J. 437 Main.
Wiegand Bros. 420 Main.
Ladies' Furnishings
Hecht Joseph, 505 Main.
Hermann Henry, 821 Carroll.
Lee Sing, 408 6th.
Model Steam Laundry, 506 6th.
West Side Laundry Co. 1025 State.
White Star Laundry, 411 Main.
Laundry Wagon Manufacturers
Racine-Sattley Co. 16th s. w. cor. Junction av.

Insurance Companies-Fire

Simmons & Walker, 204-208 Robinson bldg.
Fish & Storms, 211 6th.
Flett David H. 525 Wisconsin.
Gillen Martin J. 302 Robinson bldg.
Gittins & Burgess, 438 Main.
Hand & Hand, 510 Main.
Hardy Thomas P. 408 Robinson bldg.
Ingalls Wallace, 4 Baker blk.
Judd A. Cary, 339 Main.
Kearney, Thompson & Meyers, 524 Main.
Krenzke Charles, 2-4 Secor blk.
Lee Charles H. 12 Baker blk.
Lee William E. Corliss.
Liegler John 11. 225 Wisconsin..
Owen John W. 526 Main.
Palmer & Gittings, 440 Main.
Richards Clarene J. 3Y, Baker blk.
Rowlands William W. 4 Baker bldg.
Smieding Henry G. 213 6th.
Thompson & Harvey, 207 6th.
Wentworth John T. 200 6th.
Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables
Allen Adelbert H. 1206 iN. Wisconsin.
Anderson James R. 457 College av.
Black Henry A. r. 411 7th.
Christensen Peter, 940 Marquette.
Christianson Peter C. 746 Racine.
Dow William C. 701 Wisconsin.
Lawrence Ralph, 108 4th.
McAvoy Anthony, 410-414 Wisconsin.
Wilson August, r. 523 College av.
Boyd Robert M. 13 Baker blk.
Carpenter & Rowland, 532 Main.
Case H. Clinton, 212 5th.
Nelson & Mogensen, 920 State.
Wendt E. G. Helmuth, 920 State.
Loans and Investments
Case H. Clinton, 212 5th.
Dietrich Bros. 531 Main.
Lumber-Manufacturers and Dealers
Kelley J. H. & F. R. 42 2d.
Root River Lumber Co. 503 Robinson bldg.
Weber-Bahnemann Co. The, 1117 N. Main.
West Shore Lumber Co. The, 931 Erie.
Williamson Halvor, e. s. Marquette n. end Mead st. bridge.
Wisconsin Timber & Lumber Co. 507 Robinson bldg.
Machine Shops
Driver Charles H. 1315 16th.
Greene F. J. Engineering Works, 1028 )ouglas av.
Hall Spencer F. r.. 1401 Park av.
Herrick Henry F. 1526 Junction av.
Holbrook-Armstrong Iron Co. 1530 Junction av.
Miller William J. 623 Wisconsin.
Piggins Bros. 1113 6th.
Racine Metal Stamping Co. 1501 Clark.
Smith John, 827 Center.
U. S. Standard Electrical Works, 1218 Washington av.
Gorton Geo. Machine Co. 1107 13th.
Malleable Iron Castings
Belle City Malleable Iron Co. 1500 Kewaunee.
Lakeside Malleable Castings Co. Clark s. w. cor. 23d
Malt Beer (Non-Intoxicating)-Brewers
Belle City Brewing Co. 1506 State.
Malted Milk Manufacutrers
Horlick's Malted Milk Co. Northwestern av. nr. city limits,
city office 415 Main.
Mangles and Rollers
American Mangle and Roller Co. 409 Main.
Collier T. & P. Mnfg. Co. r. 1218 Washington av.
Domestic Mnfg. Co. 1739 Holborn.
Racine Mangle Co. e. s. Racine bet. 16th and 17th.
Marble Works
Crotsenburg William A. 110 5th.
Mound Monument Works, 508 16th.
Paddock & Meyers Co. 622 6th.
Meat Markets
Albertson & Larsen, 1602 Northwestern av.
Anclam A. & Son, 632 High.
Anderson Adolph, 608 College av.

Armour & Co. 4 Main.
Busch Anton, 1201 Milwaukee av.
Cudahy Bros. Co. 544 State and 1407-9 Washington av.
Evans Mathias, 1.121 16th.
Gaiser Bros. 1601 Douglas av. and 1658 N. Main.
Gaiser George H. 1914 16th.
Hansche, George A. 610 14th.
Hansen Peter W. 1737 Northwestern av.
Haumersen Co. 1301 N. Main.
Helland Severin, 1509 W. 6th.
Hess Philip 1. 605 6th.
Jensen Christensen & Co. 910 State.
Mandrey Frederick M. 1120 Center.
Nelson Christ P. 1233 State.
Oleson William, 1123 Washington av.
Olson J. K. & Son, 1408 State.
Petersen & Hansen, 1570 Packard av.
Radewan Bros. 1504 Center and 1245 Douglas av.
Rowley Joseph H. 336 Main.
Rybacek Frank, 1234 Douglas av.
Scheckler August J. 1301 Villa.
Staaden William, 1931 N. Erie.
Svitavsky Vincent J. 1735 Douglas av.
Vogel Henry C. 4547 Franklin.
Weed William E. est. 1101 Villa.
Wiernas Ladislaus H. 914 17th.
Milk Dealer
Racine Pure Milk Co. 1010 13th.
Bastel Frederick T. (Presby.) 1004 High.
Bing N. Julius (Luth.) 1146 Racine.
Blossom Walker G. (Epis.) 614 Main.
Boerger John F. (Luth.) 1518 N. Main.
Brown Olympia, 941 Lake av.
Capwell Charles A. (Epis.) 1415 Owen av.
Colville George M. (Presb.) 810 Main.
Dahlstrom Harold J. (Luth.) 1327 Maple.
Davies John (Presb.) 721 Villa.
Dunya Abram (Jewish) 806 Superior.
Eckert William (Eng-Luth.) 956 Washington av.
Elvin Sven N. (Luth.) 420 Lafayette av.
Erffmeyer Henry E. (Evan. Assn,) 721 Park av.
Eseman Fred. C. (Luth.) 915 High.
Evans 1). Ellis (Cong.) 1123 Park av.
Frantz William J. (Cath.) 1532 N. Wisconsin.
George Elizabeth B. 11.20 Grand av.
Gilman James W. (Epis.) 1307 N. Wisconsin.
(3rier Albert C. (Univ.) 1016 Park av.
Henningsen Charles H. (Bapt.) 627 Lafayette av.
Hildsig Jens J. (Luth.) 520 Lafayette av.
Hindley Robert C. (Fpis.) 1328 Carlisle av.
Huber Ferdinand (Luth.) 1439 Geneva.
Jaeger Conrad (Luth.) 735 Grand av.
Jensen Christ H. (Luth.) Luth. High school.
Johnson Thomas B. (Cath.) 1101 Center.
Kaneen Edward (M. E.) 415 St. Patrick.
Knudson Lars C. (M. E.) 806 La Salle.
Larsen L. Joseph, B-715 Main.
Loughney George (Cath.) 1109 Douglas av.
Manaton Richard K. (M. E.) 932 Lake av.
McKillop William A. (Bapt.) 903 Lake av.
Meyer Theodore B. (Cath.) 800 Wisconsin.
Panoch Anthony L. (Cath.) 605 High.
Provensen Elias (Luth.) 1130 Mound av.
Samuel Oscar (Luth.) 1649 Superior.
Schroeder Otto R. (Bapt.) 1315 Hamilton.
Schwinn Sebastian (Cath.) 1509 Grand av.
Trant Stephen (Cath.) 1109 Douglas av.
Folkets Avis, 310 5th.
Norden, 472 College av.
Racine Correspondent The, 341 Main.
Racine Daily News, 241 Main.
Racine Daily Times, 310 5th.
Racine Journal The, 328 Main.
Racine Posten, 8041, State.
Rodina The, 310 5th.
Slavic The, 310 5th.
Utley's Dollar Weekly, 310 5th.
Wisconsin Agriculturist, 470 College av.
Notary Public
Anderson Jacob, 1511 State.
Burgess E. Roy, 438 Main.
Carpenter William H. 532 Main.
Case H. Clinton, 212 5th.
Craig Edgar S. 5-7 Baker blk.
Drew William H. 213 6th.
Eadus Ina, 925 Center.
Eadus Newman G. 1000 Center.
Elias John, 310 5th.