Tke Two

        Geudemen of Vroiia.

                       Act V Scene IV

                        A FOREST.


   Va/entine.-Why, boy! why, wag! how now! what's the matter?  Look up;

Here 'tis; this is it.

    j/zilia.-O good sir, my master charged me to deliver
which, out of my negle6t, was never done.
   Pro (eus.-Where is that ring, boy?

    Protells.-H ow! let me see:
Why, this is the ring I gave to Julia.
    yii&~.-O, cry you mercy, sir, I have mistook:
This is the ring you sent to Silvia.
    Proteus.-But how camest thou by this ring? At my depart
I gave this unto Julia.
    J~'dia.-And Julia herself did give it me;
And Julia herself hath brought it hither.
    Pro /eus.-H ow!  Julia!
    ~ulia.-Beho1d her that gave aim to all thy oaths,
And entertained 'em deeply in her heart.
How oft hast thou with perjury cleft the root!
o Proteus, let this habit make thee blush!
Be thou ashamed that I have took upon me
Such an immodest raiment, if shame live
In a disguise of love:
It is the lesser blot, modesty finds,
Women to change their shapes then men their minds.

a ring to Madam Silvia,

               Painted by TH C) MA S STOTHARD, K. A.