Ilfzdsu ;n;ner-Nz~A i

Drea in.

                          Ad IV Scene 1.

                            A WOOD.

                  TITANIA, BOTTOA~ FAIRIES, &c.

  Bo//om.-Scratch my head, Peaseblossom   Where's Mounsieur Cobweb?


  Bof/om.-Mounsieur Cobweb, good mounsieur, get you your weapons in your
hand, and kill me a red-hipped humble-bee on the top of a thistle; and, good
mounsicur, bring me the honey-bag.  Do not fret yourself too much in the
mounsicur; and, good mounsieur, have a care the honey-bag break not; I would
be loath to have you overflown with a honey-bag, signior.  Where's Mounsieur

  Mzts/ardseed.- Ready.
  Boflom.-Give your neaf, Mounsieur Mustardseed.  Pray you, leave your courtesy,
good mounsieur.
  Mitsfardseed.-What's your will?

  Bot/om.-Nothing, good mounsieur, but to help Cavalery Cobweb to scratch.
must to the barber's, mounsieur; for methinks I am marvellous hairy about
the face;
and I am such a tender ass, if my hair do but tickle me, I must scratch.

                   Pain/ed by HENR Y FUSELI, R. A.