There were some low level detects reported for chromium and copper,
but there did not appear to be any significant difference between
upgradient and downgradient wells. Lead was not detected in any
sample. Iron was detected in all wells and iron concentrations were
always highest in piezometer WC-2P.

No pesticides detects were reported in any of the wells.


Leachate samples were collected at Sites A, B, C, and D and analyzed
for a variety of inorganic parameters, metals, nutrients, and
pesticides. The analytical results are summarized in Tables 3 and 4.
Minimum, maximum and mean values for the leachate samples are
presented in Table 5. The leachate testing results varied widely
between sites and even between sampling events at the same location.

There are several different factors that could have contributed to
the lack of consistency in the leachate results. As explained
earlier, the sample locations were seldom exactly in the same place
during any given sampling event because of pile movement. Also, the
nature of the leachate generated varied with the age of the pile, the
amount of precipitation prior to sample collection and the time of
year the sample was taken. Even though the samples are referred to
as leachate, the pools of liquid were influenced to varying degree by
surface runoff and direct dilution from precipitation.

Nitrate+nitrite as N levels tended to be fairly low, ranging between
0.023 mg/L to 37.2 mg/L with a mean value of 2.2 mg/L. However, the
ammonia levels tended to be very high ranging from a low of 0.037
mg/L to a high of 424 mg/L with a mean of 74.2 mg/L. The total
phosphorus was also fairly high with a concentrations ranging from
0.61 mg/L to 452 mg/L with a mean value of 58.0 mg/L.

The sulfate and chloride levels were also high when compared to the
Wisconsin ground water standards. The highest recorded sulfate value
of 880 mg/L was over 3 times the ES of 250 mg/L. The mean sulfate
value of 194 mg/L also approached the ES concentration. The highest
chloride value of 1540 mg/L was over 6 times the ES of 250 mg/L and
even the mean value of 405 mg/L was nearly twice the ES

Chromium and lead were analyzed in three leachate samples from Site A
and twice from Site C. Chromium concentrations ranged from 4 to 23
ug/L and chromium was detected in all samples with the exception of
one from Site C.   The mean value of 11.9 ug/L was well below the ES
for chromium in ground water of 100 ug/L. However, the lead levels
ranged from 11 to 150 ug/L and exceeded the ES for lead in ground
water of 15 ug/L a total of 6 times. Even the mean value of 53.5
ug/L was over 3 times the ES concentration.    Iron levels were also
consistently above the ES of 0.3 mg/L.

Pesticides were analyzed in leachate samples at Sites A, C, and D.
No pesticide detects were reported at Site A or Site D.    Site C had