Pcrhaps one of the reasons for Dean F. Ellis Johnson's popularty
among engineering students is the fact that he takes a genuine intere t
in them and they in turn respond to his advice. He attended Wiscon-
sin and at one time also studied in the same labs and classrooms which
he now supervises. He has done a great deal toward preparing engi-
neering students to help build a peace-time world. Acting Dean
Morton 0. Withev is taking Mr- Johnon's place the second sesster.
A firm beliecr in college romances is professor Leslic Van Hagan for
he is the subject of one himself. He uses some of his tremendous
energy swimming, ice-skating, canoeing, and camping. Teaching civil
engineering keeps him busy (luring the day.


One of the most popular professors in the Engineering School is Olaf
A. Hougen, Professor of Chemical Engineering.
