of Swiss Aluminum Ltd. started preliminary work on the plant site. Construction
is to start in early 1968, with completion scheduled for mid 1969. In addition
to producing aluminum, the plant will include a unit for producing carbon
electrodes from petroleum coke obtained from nearby refineries. Planned annual
output of the plant was 35,000 tons of primary aluminum and 125,000 tons
of carbon 
Chemical Corp. for 1968. The company planned to spend $6 million at the Baton
Rouge alumina plant and about $2 million to construct a coke calcining plant
at Chalmette. 
 Ormet Corp., owned jointly by Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. and Revere Copper
& Brass, Inc., produced alumina at its Burnside plant. 
 A reduction plant to be built at Lake 
Charles was announced in late 1967. 
Gulf Coast Aluminum Go., a subsidiary electrodes.