Yields Per Acre

  In order to make our estimates of
yields per acre In accordance with the
practical experience of actual settlers,
we obtained statements from fourteen
farmers covering the yields per acre of
various crops, together with the aver-
age price obtained for the same. In
many instances we have felt that the
farmer has given us the best yield, and
not the average. Such facts would be
misleading to the rew settler, and we
therefore give below a conservative
statement based upon the reports of
these actual settlers. It does not show

Roe .
Potatoes -
Turnips -
Sugar Beets

-.        2 tons
- .      2  tons
-.       60 bus.
- .       40 bus.
- .       30 bus.
          25 bus.
          30 bus.
*.       200 bus.
*.       300 bus.
         500 bus.
         500 bus.
           9 tons

the highest yields, but a fair estimate
of what a good farmer might expect
from well prepared land:
  In order that there should be no

misconception, we would mention the
fact that large crops of onions are
grown only on very rich soils. The
swamp soils of Northern Wisconsin
produce enormous yields, some being
reported as high as 800 bushels to the

  Turnips and rutabagas are especially
adapted to new soils, but up to the
present time the market is limited as
compared with onions or potatoes.

  The yields of potatoes often go as
high as 400 bushels to the acre.

$10.00 per ton
   9.00 per ton
   .35 per bu.
   .50 per bu.
   .70 per bu.
   .90 per bu.
   1.00 per bu.
   .40 per bu.
   .90 per bu.
   .30 per bu.
   .30 per bu.
   4.50 per ton

  Sugar beets are purchased on our
Ashland Division by the factory oper-
ating at Chippewa Falls, and the de-
mand is therefore permanent.

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