

Perth Amboy Terra-Cotta Co., 386-390
leyrau, A., 341
Philalelphia City Pottery, 251
Philadelphia Water Works, 129
Phillips, j. 1V. 245
Phillips, Moro, 178
PIhcenixville, Pa., 267
Phucnixville Pottery, 267-269, 410
Phoenixville Pottery, Kaolin, and Fire-
Brick Co., 267
Pickel, Baltes, 241
Picken, John, 361
Pies, Stephen, 175
Pipes, smoking, 28, 338
Pitman, Miss Agnes, 277, 284
Pitman, Benn, 275
Fittsburgh Encaustic Tile Co., 359
Pittsburgh, Pa., 194, 201
Tlimpton, Mrs. C. A., 277, 281, 282
Plimpton, L. F., 283
Plot, Dr., 46
" Plungers," 3
Poole & Stockton, 242
Pope & Lee, 242
Iorcelain, i
Porcelain, artificial, 21
Porcelain, hard, 20, 126, 253
Porcelain, natural, 21
Porcelain, processes of iring harid, 258
Porcelain, soft, 20, 21
Porcher, Mrs. J. S., 189
Port Richmond Pottery Co., 251
Post, Henry, Jr., 118
Potter's clay, purifying, 1
Potters' Co-operative CO., 209
Potters' Supply CO., 207
Potter's wheel, 4
Preparation of clays, i
Press, clay, 2
Pressing, 9
Priestman, James, 197, 321, 324
Prime, Dr. Williamo C., 325
Princeton College, 174, 334
Printing, transfer, 13, 120
Processes of manufacture, i, S
Prospect Hill Pottery, 239
Pruosser, Richard, 181, 34S
Providential Tile Works, 270, 367, 374

Pritlen, Ir., 117
Pueblo pottery, 35
Putnam, G. P., 173, 355
Quarll, Joseph S., 139, 140
Queen Charlotte, 16
Queensware, 16, io5
Quincy, Mass., go
Randall, Edward, 57, 58
Ranney, Willis, 159
Ran, Robert, 51, 339
Rawlinson manuscripts, 55
Read, Alexander, 137
Reade, George, 364
- Rebekah "tea-pot, 196, 19
Re//Ns mIctalliques, 31S
R1//Ns nace's, 318
Reiss, Win. Sr., 153
Renmey, Henry, 64
Reminmey, John, 63, 64
Reminey, John F., 64
Reminey, Joseph Henry, 63, 64
Remmey, Richard C., 64
Renwick, james, 385
Rice, Taplin, & Co., 5
Richards, J., 341
Rich Hill, Pa., 86
Richmond, A. G., 119, 120
Ridgway, 121, 163
Ridgway, J, & W., 161
Ridgway, William, 161, 162
Rigby, T., & Co., 200
Rittenhouse, Evans, & Co., 241, 414
Riverside Knob 'Manufacturing Co., 210
Robertson Art Tile Co., 351
Robertson, A. W., 26o, 264
Roibertson, A. W. & II. C., 260
Robertson & Co., 240
Robertson, G. NV., 381
Robertson, Hugh C., 260, 262-264, 266,
267, 382, 405
Robertson, James, 260, 264
Robertson, James, & SonS, 260, 351, 405
Robertson, Thomas, 397
Robinson, James 11., 369
Robitzek, D., 164
Roche, Young, Toland, & Co., ISo