Hemphill, Philad." A similar example, in the Pennsyl-
vania Museum, is a pithrontaining a tinted portrait
of General Washington, which, according to Mr. Charles
Henry Hart, an authority on Washington portraits, is
evidently a copy of one of William Birch's enamels after
Stuart's first picture, known as the Vaughan portrait, now
in the possession of Mrs. Joseph Harrison, of Phila-
delphia. Mr. Ferdinand J. Dreer, of the same city, also
owns a porcelain vase on which
is a painting of Napoleon at the
burning of Moscow, which he
purchased at the factory in 1833.
In this year Judge Hemphill                 I
received honorable mention at
the Exhibition of the Franklin
Institute for his exhibit of - vari-
ous samples of American porce-
lain, in the moulding and glazing
of which great improvement has
been made since the last exhibi-
tion; the body of the article is
considered equal, if not superior 59\TAsR NALEON AT THE
to that of the imported."  He   BuRNING OF MOSCOW. NR.
also received a diploma and
silver medal from the American Institute of New York
in the same year.
The porcelain works continued with varying success
for several years. By an Act of Assembly dated April
15, 1835,' an American Porcelain Company was incor-
' An Act to Incorporate an American Porcelain Company, passed April ig, IS3
Thomas P. Cope, Alexander Read, William  1'. Bryan, Thomas Tucker, Rockland