white granite ware is an eagle enclosed in a five-rayed
badge, as here shown.
The Knowles, Taylor, & Knowles Co. have produced
some highly artistic pieces for exhibition at the Chicago
Exposition. Especially worthy of notice    STONE
are two vases. One of these is a nine- &
inch piece, made of the peculiarly trans-
lucent bone china body with soft, velvety
glaze, which is designated by the manu-  KNOWLES,TAYLOR
facturers " Lotus" ware. The entire ex-   KNOWL ES
terior surface is covered with an underglaze mazarine
blue of a rich tone.
On one side is a figure
of Cupid chasing a bird
and on the other Cupid
driving a pair of but-
terflies. While the sub-
jects are not new, the
treatment is original,
the figures being exe-
cuted in white Limoges
enamel built up over
the glaze instead of
under it, as in the pale-
sur-Pdte method. The
.-VA~SES LN MAZARINE lIJ Ew ANDi P- effect is  particularly
CR-PATE DF~co~iArIONs, ExilI BITF) AT  pleasing. The neck of
TAYLOR, & KN'ows CO'MP'ANY.  the vase is decorated
in raised coin-gold after
the Renaissance style, while the handles are solidly gilded
and chased.