& Co., in 1879, and in i88o established a workshop on
Hunt Street, where, under the firm name of T. J.
Wheatley & Co., underglaze work was produced to some
extent after the style of the Limoges filicncc.
In 1879 a joint-stock company was organized under
the title of the Cincinnati Art Pottery Company, of which
Mr. Frank Huntington was made president, and Mr.
Wheatley continued his connection with the works until
1882, when he withdrew to engage in other business. For
several years the company confined its operations to
14').-"  li   I \ 11,, I  k   N'   I1  AR  Pu  I IIRY  ( (N[M A\
underglaze work, and some of the pieces produced were
remarkable for beauty and originality of form and excel-
lence of workmanship.  Later, barbotine ware, in applied
work, was manufactured for a time, but this was soon
dropped for a more artistic style of overglaze decoration
on white bodies. The " Hungarian fiice " made here
soon became popular with the purchasing public. The
Portland blue f>wuencc " was so called on account of the
rich (lark-blue glaze, of the color of the famous Portland
vase, which formed a peculiarly striking ground for gold