peanuts; bonbonnz'rcs in underglaze, triangular and heart-
shaped, after the Japanese Kioto ware, made at the Pau-
line Art Pottery, Edgerton, Wis.; individual salts of pink
Belleek, in the form of snail-shells, from the Etruria Pot-
tery of Ott & Brewer; bread and butter plates, from the
Willets Manufacturing Co., and butter spreaders, with
decorated china handles, made by the Ceramic Art Com-
pany. Beside each guest was a delicate souvenir consist-
ing of a china shell flower, holding sweet violets, from
the American Art China Works of Trenton. No foreign
productions could be more dainty and artistic than this
combination of domestic wares, though selections from
other American potteries could have been made with
equally satisfactory results.
Some of the most prominent ceramic artists and
artisans of England, France, and Germany are now con-
nected with our American manufactories, contributing
their experience and skill in the elevation and improvement
of the standards of our productions. The United States
have also produced potters, designers, decorators, and
modellers who stand in the front rank of progressive
workers in this branch of industry, and the art schools
and industrial institutions which have been established
in many parts of the land are educating our youth in the
practical arts, and preparing them for this new field of
labor. It is to be hoped that, at no very distant day, a
National School of Pottery and Porcelain may be insti-
tuted, under the auspices of the Federal Government.
The day is not far distant when the legends, " Made in
England," " Made in France," or " Made in Germany