/XIST LIIERPOOL, OH1IO.              205
The second piece referred to is a large vase, which
stands thirty and three quarters inches high, mounted on
a pedestal twelve inches in height. Owing to the large
size of the vase the body employed is that of the regular
hotel china made by this firm. The ground color is a
87.-LAR E VASE, 111.11" (;ON ,  1)n )ECORAIION.  ClICAGo  FAIR.
rich mazarine blue applied under the glaze. Flowers in
relief coin-gold of various tints are applied to the surface,
representing petunias, and on the side of the piece is an
excellently painted pair of golden partridges. The neck
of the vase and the pedestal are embellished with solid,
raised gold borders in the Renaissance style.