Browning, Abraham, 184
Brunt, Bloor, Martin, & Co., 305
Brunt, Ilenry, 197
Brunt, Henry, & Son, 210
Brunt, William, Son, & Co., 201
Bryan, William, 137
]uick, J. II., 108, 134
Buck, William J., 70
Bucknall & Stevenson, 158
Budd, James, 57
Budd, Mary, 58
Bullock, RI. B., 191
Burd, Charles, 141
Bureau of Ethnology, 30, 45
Burford Bros., 210
Burgess & Co., 210
Burgess, William, 229
Burlington, N. J., 54, 55
Burroughs & Mountford Co., 223, 225,
Bu1rtoll, McNicol, & Co., 210
Burton, William, 319
Callowhill, James, 36S
Callowhill, Scott, 270, 33I, 368, 369
Cambridge Art Tile Works, 287, 375
Cambridge, Mass., 88
Canden, N. J., 179
Campbell, J. A., 229
Carpenter, George W., IIg
Carr & Clarke, 232
Carrere and Hastings, 379
Carr, James, 179, ISo, 229
Carr, Morrison &, 179, 252
Cartlidge, Charles, 163, 164, 187
Cartlidge, Wim., 163
Cartwright Bros., 209
Cartwright, Croxall &, 210
Casseday, Samuel, 159, 161
Cassedy, John, 120
Casting, to
Castleberry, Z., 386
Central New York Pottery, 113
Ceramic Art Co., 235, 237, 366, 413, 430.
Challinor, Wood &, iSi
Chamberlain, William, 152
Chamberlin, Perly, 15'9


Champion, Richard, 63, 189
Chelsea B3,ourg-la-keine, 263
Chelsea fayence, 262
Chelsea Keramic Art Tile Works, 381
Chelsea Keramuic Art Works, 200, 261
264, 381, 405
Chelsea, Mass., 16, 260, 265, 347, 405
Chelsea Pottery, U. S , 267, 405
Chemical stoneware, 179
Cherokee Indians, 29, 62
Chesapeake Pottery, 320-328, 331, 411,
412, 430
Cietwynd, Cockson &, 201
Chetwvynd, Joseph, 209
Chetiynd, Wallace &, 209
Chicago Terra-Cotta Co., 385
China, 19
China clays, 59 1t seq., 11, 212
China for Confederate government, 190
China works, first in Phila., 91 et sq.
Cibola, 41
Cincinnati, Ohio, 16, 273 et seq.
Cincinnati Art Pottery Co., 299-303, 412
Cincinnati Art School, 376
Cincinnati Museumu of Art, 276, 279, 281-
283, 2SS, 301, 302
Cincinnati Pottery Club, 276, 278, 284
Cincinnati, wonan's wlork ill, 275
Clark, Decius W., 166, 175, 187, 244
Clark, Fenton &, 244, 245
Clark, L. W., iv., 166, 170, 187, 244, 246,
Clarke, Edward, 229
Clarke, James, 335
Clarke, Robert, & Co., 293
Clay, Henry. 133, 134, 164
Clay, pu rifyinlg potter's, I
Cleveland, Mrs. Grover, 371
Cleveland, President Grover, 383
Clews, Henry, 161
Clews, James, 156--i6o
Cockson & ChetWynld, 209
Coleman, Fiske & Co., 396
Columbia Encaustic Tile Co., 382
Columbian Art Pottery, 242
Columbian Pottery, Philadelphia, iii
Columbus, 397
Confederate Government, 190, 250