"l," 143d Regiment, 0. V. I. He was appointed post-
master at East Liverpool in 1864. In 1868 he connected
himself with the pottery business, and, as we have seen,
in 1870 became a member of the firm of Knowles, Taylor,
& Knowles. On the incorporation of The Knowles, Taylor,
& Knowles Company, he became its first president, and
has since continued to occupy that position. He is also
vice-president of The Knowles, Taylor, & Anderson Co.,
a corporation with a paid-in capital of a half million dol-
lars, organized for the manufacture of sewer pipe and
other clay products at a large plant in the East End, a
suburb of East Liverpool. Stilts, pins, saggers, and
other potters' supplies are also made by this company at
the works known as The Potters' Supply Co.
Col. Taylor's life has been a busy one, and to his
personal efforts are due, to a large degree, the bringing
of the establishments with which he has been identified to
their present high place in the business world. He was ap-
pointed chairman of the Committee on World's Columbian
Exposition, appointed by the U. S. Potters' Association.
Col. Taylor has long been a warm personal friend of
Gov. William McKinley, dating back to the time and
before the " Little Major " entered the halls of Congress,
and upon his elevation to the gubernatorial chair in Ohio
the Governor appointed him a member of his staff, with
the rank of colonel.
Henry Speeler, a German, was one day wandering
along the river bank near the Harker Pottery, when he
