of faience decoration. The mark used on the earlier
pieces was " J. Bennett, N. Y.," and later, " West Orange,
N. "
At Tarrytown, N. Y., a pottery was started about 1878,
under the style of Odell & Booth Brothers. They made
majolica and faiincc, decorated under the glaze. A few
years ago they closed the works, which, after remaining idle
some time, were opened and operated by the Owen Tile
Co., manufacturers of decorative tiles.
In November of 1879 the Wheeling Pottery Company
was organized, the officers being George K. Wheat, presi-
dent, William A. Isett, secretary, and Edward Meakin
Pearson, general manager. To Mr. Pearson's untiring
energy and practical knowledge of the business the success
of the company is largely due. In 1887 the same gentle-
men organized a new company known as the La Belle
Pottery Co., and the same officers were chosen to manage
the latter, and in January, 1889, the two companies were
merged into one. Mr. Pearson was elected president of
the concern a year later, and has held the position con-
tinuously until the present time. The products of the
original works are plain and decorated white granite ware,
while at the La Belle works adamantine china, plain and
decorated, is made. The entire plant consists of fifteen
large kilns and thirteen decorating kilns, and forms one
of the most extensive potteries in the United States.
The large decorating department is under the efficient