ARL Y POTTING IN AMERICA           .   55
calling attention to the following reference to this pottery,
in the inventory of property offered for sale in the Jerseys,
supposed to have been written about 1688, in the Raw-
linson manuscripts, in the Bodleian Library, at Oxford,
England, which has been carefully transcribed from the
ori(ginal and forwarded to me by the obliging librarian
I have erected a pottery att Burlington for white
and chiney ware, a greate quantity to ye value of 1200 li
have been already made and vended in ye Country, neigh-
bour Colonies and ye Islands of Barbadoes and Jamaica
where they are in great request.  I have two houses and
kills with all necessary implements, diverse workemen,
and other servants.  Have expended thereon about
2000 li."
In the same MS., fol. 46, are " Proposalls made by
Daniell Coxe proprietary and Governor of ye provinces
of East and West Jersey in America:
" The above mencioned Daniell Coxe being resolved
to sell his interest in Land and Government of the Colo-
nies of East and West Jersey. The land amounting . . .
unto one million of Acres (etc).
- Itt is believed a thousand pounds per Annum cleere
of all charges the said Daniell Coxe hath likewise at Bur-
lington two houses and kill with all necessary materialls and
implements with diverse servants who have made a greate
progresse in a Pottery of White and China ware above
1200 li worth being already made and vended in the Coun-
try neighbour plantations and the Islands of Barbados
Jamaica &c. and well managed will probably bee very
I 1\S. Rawlinsoll , C. 128, fol. 3g b.