Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. One of his designs,
a six- by eighteen-inch panel, representing Winter, is
here figured, and of his more pretentious works we give
an illustration of a ten-piece lesign entitled  Daughters
of the Sea."
201.-" DA n  uII  TH 0  1i NC. I)DELLE) BY MERSMAN.
was started at Menlo Park, N.J.. in October, 1888, by Mr.
J. T. Smith and Mr. Charles Volkmar, for the manufacture
of art tiles and other interior ceramic decorations.
Mr. Volkmar, Vho came from Baltimore, Md., springs
from a family of artists. His father's reputation as a por-
trait painter and restorer of pictures is well known, and his
grandfather was an engraver of considerable prominence.
The younger Volkmar began his art studies in his native
city, and as early as 1859 attracted attention as an etcher
of merit. Before reaching his majority he went to Paris
and studied under Harpignies and others. Here he re-
mained for a number of years, acquiring an enviable repu-
tation as an animal and landscape painter in oils and water