Women's Club of First Congregational Church-Mrs. Fred 
Woodruff, pres.; Mrs. Frank Spoon, see.; Ellen Goodwin, 
treas. Meets lit and 3d Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. at church. 
Women's Foreign Missionary Circle of Cargill Memorial 
Church-Mrs. J. E. Lane, pres.; Mrs. 0. Brownell, rec.-sec.; 
Mrs. E. W. Lowell, eor.-see.; Mrs. F. H. Porter, tress. 
Meets 1st Wednesday at members' homes. 
Women's Missionary Society of First Congregational Church- 
Mrs. Howard Lee, pres.; Mrs. T. M. Jeffris, tress.; Mrs. 
F. C. Bradley, see. Meets 2d Thursday of month at church. 
Women's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian Church- 
Miss L. Hanson, pres.: Miss 1I. Clark. see.; Mrs. H. .. 
Hanson, treas. Meets 3d Wednesday of each month at 
Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Mary's Church-IM. Butters, 
sec. Meets lst Sunday at chapel. 
Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Patrick's Church-Elizabeth 
Devins, prefect; Elizabeth Gagan, see.-treas. Meets 2d 
Sunday, 3:30 p. m., at church. 
Young Men's Presbyterian Club-A Schoof, pres.; E. Mead, 
see.; J. Palmer, treas. Meets 2d Wednesday of each month 
at church. 
Young People's Society of Norwegian Lutheran Church-Mait- 
land Palmer, pres.; Miss Alma Gjesteland, sec.; Miss Hilma 
Bierkness, tress. Meets 3d Thursday evening at the church. 
Young People's Society of St. John's Ev. Luth. Church-H. 
Fuchs. pres.; Olga Zerbel. see.: E. Moeser, tress. Meets 
1st Wednesday, 8 p. m., at church. 
Y. P. S. C. E. of First Baptist Church-A. S. Krotz, pres.; 
Miss Eva Badger. see.: Mrs. Olive Olson. tress. Meets 
Sunday, 6:30 p. m., at church parlors. 
Paoca Schools. 
St. Mary's Sehool-N. Wisconsin cor. Prospect av. 
St. Patrick's School--505 Holmes. 
St. Paul's School-616 School. Lewis Broeker and Elsie Zorn, 
Convart, ospitals and Com.eti. 
Detention Hospital-S. end S. Bluff. 
St. Joseph's Convent of Mercy--505 Holmes. 
Mercy Hospital-Under the direction of the Sisters of Mercy. 
566 N. Washington. 
Mt. Olivet Cemetery-N. end N. Washington, n. of Oak Hill 
Oak Hill Cemetery-W. s. N. Washington at limits. 
Nisllanous Soiotis. 
Builders' Exchange-F. E. Green, pres.; Joseph Denning, 
v.pres.; Frank Douglas, tress.; E. G. Coon, see. 3-5, 103 E. 