(9fason @haractcrs
E following Caslon Quaint Chara6ters, in common use in William Cas-
lon's time, have been preserved in their original form, but are not included
in the regular fonts. They are sold separately for both the Roman and Italic.
QUAINT CHARACTERS for use with Caslon Oldstvle No. 471
fifffli fll         bfhfifkflftl
6 Point to 36 Point fonts contain eleven characters as shown above
42,48 and 6o Point fonts contain long s and 61 only (f8)
QUAINT CHARACTERS for use with Caslon Oldstyle Italic No. -7
14g-7fi 17d/ Jf _1k fl I/ a~
6 Point to 30 Point fonts contain eleven characters as shown above
36 Point feot contains long s, sk and  only (/k 8)
42 and 48 Point fonts contain long s and 6 only (fV)
These Characters are made in both Roman and Italic to line with the original
Caslon Oldstyle No.471 up to and including 30 Point,and in Roman only up
to and including 36 Point. Only characters/k and 8 are made for 36 Point
Caslon Oldstyle Italic No. 471; only the f and 6t are made for the Caslon
Oldstyle Roman No.471 from 42 Point to 6o Point inclusive; and only the
characters [and a for42 Point and 48 Point Caslon Oldstvle Italic No.471.
SWASH CHARACTERS for use with Caslon Oldstyle Italic No. -7,
C C 6            '9          G P- 71 JYKJK
e &    -V-         K
These characters are made in all sizes from 6 to 48 Point inclusive and are sold separately