Correct Society Printing for Letterpress Trinters

front eight until ten o'clnrk
at tile Xanrel P loon
For reception card after church ceremony, to be enclosed with the invitation.
A corr size is 5x3 iches.
Vleanse present this car
at tle 31irst 3freelbterian Church
on   fiursba, the sebenteenth of f eptetber
For admission card, to be enclosed with church invitation. A correct size for
this form is 3 21 7g inches. Another form is "Please present this card at the
Church." in one line, a correa size for which is 4/Iox2 4 inches. An extreme
form has the gIests nanre written at top of card, followed by "will please pre-
sect this card I at the First Presbyterian Church I Bergendale I on Thursday,
the seventeenth ofSeptembr." For such a card a correh size is 43gx23 itnces.
Will be at lonte
Tesbtuo, the tenth of Angust
at fesent-seben       itropolitans Poulebarb
For at-home card, to be enclosed with the invitation; or"rn the afternoons
of Tuesdays I the tenth and secenteenth of April I at," etc. Correct sizes are
5 4x24 and 5         inches
Alrh.fb   trs flabih 3aUs     mysstii
rcqsest the pleasure of gour presence
at tile fuebbing reception of their haughter
,ir. , rank  ogt
on file clening of 0hurshag, the first of 3Jsune
at seften o'rlork
at Wight Prospectcstsenue
For reception after wedding at residence. Correct sizes of paper (foldcd) arc
h111 sn5' tor 6Sx54 incher,or,tifrpaneled, 7Iix Ya  0inches;  4i nch panel.
Air~ 7rankl yoUsg
4*lise 75uiilie usntl1
labe the honor
of assusanncing their mnarrizge
Iss W   urshau, the first of June
One thousanb nine hssobreb anb thirtu-one
For a wedding announcement; private ceremony, when the bride has no near
relativeS; the iarre of the church may be added. A correct size of papcr(folded)
is 67ox55A inches.
4fr.,lrank Jet ati
4fliss 7nrille flssuthi
nix Zfureha, tfe first of 3Jsune
(Pars thousanh nine hsnbreb n     thirt-ione
at theFirst  Miptist Church
in 1ergenhale
Antiher coiret it of announcement: nane of church say be omitted.
A corret size cf paper (folded) is 6Vsnd  inches.

4  r. nh flrsPabihs na    unnith
lahe tile honor of annonring
the miarriage of their snsglhter
41?lr. frauhst Jiast
"in Tlsurnhag, tie first of 3june
One thousitb nine hunreb aub thirts-xnse
at the  First Jetaptist Clurch
in 1ergenhale
Foranountvtncemsentofwtedirng; ifat residence, substitute the address for narn
of church: tr either nay be ornitted properly. Another corre8, form has the
namewritten in, and reads"have the honor ofannouncing to [here write sarii
tire marriage" etc.. as above. Correa sizes of paper (folded) are 6Aitx5 r. or
65x54 inches,or, ifpaneled, 77%nto,(xS   inches; 3o inch panel.
For the marriage ofa sister, above form iscorrea, but the name of the brde
will be in fullthus: Miss Dorothy May Hawthorne.
When theinviation issentoutbya clergymanteform is:TheReverend and
Mrsjoin James Brown | request the ionor of l [blank line for guest'snar
presence as the marriage of their daughter I etc.. asabove.
When the bridegroom isa militaryroficerofthe rank ofcaptain orhigherhis
rank is printed thus: Captain Thomas Jones i United States Army  (orNavy);
hot if his rank is below that of captain, his rank is printed thus: Mr. Thom a
Jones  Lieutenant, United States Army I (or Navy).
4itr. nith &Mrs. 7rank JItogi
ill be at tlame                        Figltlt-fi f arksrrt
afterfirsitf~ll.                         argtbale
For at-hoer card, to be enclosed with wedding announcenent. A correa
size is 5 'sn3 " inches.
Ofuing is the beatlj of Airs. 4ntth 's sistr
4 ir-ant firs.dlabib 3JaYjsstlh beg to recall
the carbs isnuh for the hsebbing reception of
their anghter fucille
For recall of invitations. A correa size of black-bordered card is 47x31/n
JiHr. asb 4Mrs. 3     noln Sm tlr
renquest the pleasure of gour cotpan
at the
tcsntll anniersarg of their msarriaqe
on the ebening of fribtg, the fifteenth of 1June
frm  half after eight stisil elefien o'clork
at 3iglgtt-one 3ark 7Lane
For a wedding anniversary. Correa sizes of paper (folded) are 61tnx5!A
inches, or 65/x5 4 inches, or, ifpanelcd, 7A as5h I inches; 14 inch panel.

J. S.

i4lr. nuh 41irs.Joh ithSl
fttill beat hose
init iille enlseing Of 3ribau,the fiftemlly of  unse
frot lialf after eight snttil elciese o'clock
at iqhtlg-one Park Wane

For a wedding atvrcrsary. Correa Sizes of paper iolded) are 671nvx51/
inches, or 6xd544 inches. or. ifpaneled. 7,ox5an inches; 3A inch panel.