Cut-Cost Printing Plant Equipments
Labor-Saving Wood Furniture, in font to fill cabinet, as in following table:
Length,Picas 20    25   30   35   40   45   50   60   70  80   90  100  120  140  160
2-line:  54   72   72  72   72   72   72   72   54   54   36  36   36   36   36    846
3-line:  48   64   64  64   64   64   64   64   48   48   32  32   32   32   32 =  752
t    4-line:  36   48   48   48   48  48   48   48   36   36   24   24  24 24      =    564
5-line        30   40   40   40   40  40   40   40   30   30   20   20  20   20   20=470
U    6-line:  30   40   40   40   40  40   40   40   30   30   20   20   20  20   20 =470
8-line:  24   32   32  32   32   32   32   32   24   24   16  16   16   16   16 =376
10-line:  18  24   24   24   24   24   24   24   18   18  12   12   12   12   12 =282
Total Number of Pieces of Wood Furniture.................         . . .  . . . . .. 3760
Half Fonts of Labor-Saving Wood Furniture and Reglet are sold for these cabinets.
Labor-Saving Reglet, nonpareil and pica, in fonts to fill cabinet, as follows:
NONPAREIL: 76 pieces each length from 10 to 49 picas, graduated by ems, and 46 pieces each
length from 50 to 150 picas, graduated by five pica ems; 4006 pieces in all.
PICA: 38 pieces each length from 10 to 49 picas, graduated by ems, and 23 pieces each length
from 50 to 150 picas, graduated by five pica ems; 2003 pieces in all.
Fi.6 gRa  ill otCs

Fig. 65-An ideal arrangement of the Cut-Cost Locking- Up Materials
Cabinet, holding ample supplies for four Cut-Cost Imposing Tables. For
two imposing tables half fonts of wood furniture and reglet will suffice,
and unit fonts (155 lbs.) of metal furniture may be bought, leaving room
in racks for expansion of the fonts, as required.

Fig. 66-lkar view ofI Cut-Cost
Locking-Up Materials Cabinets,
No. 527 (in Steel) and No. 9085 (in
Wood).The longer lengths of
reglet are in rear end. The wood
furniture and reglet, etc., shown
in this view are duplicated on the
other side.

Do not Under-Buy Storage Capacity. Better a roomy cabinet half filled than a smaller
cabinet crowded, especially in a growing plant. Extra space is immediately available for sorts.
Steel Construction                               Wood Construction
No. 527-Cut-Cost Locking-Up Materials Cabinet,    No.9085-Cut-Cost Locking-Up Materials Cabinet,
olive green finish (fig. 64); floor area, 32x46 in.; height,  antique finish; floor area, 33x49 in.; height, 56 in.;
55 in.; approx. shipping weight, 1000 lbs. Contents are  approx. shipping weight, 700 lbs. Contents are extra.
extra. Code word: UPSTART.                        Code word: WALTZED.
No. 9085-A-Full Font Labor-Saving Wood Furniture,  No. 9085 -D- Half Font Labor- Saving Reglet, 2000
3760 pieces, as per table above; approx. shipping weight,  pieces 6 pt. and 1000 pieces 12 pt., from 10 to 49 picas,
550 lbs. Code word: WAMPUM.                       graduated by ems, and from 50 to 150 picas, graduated
No.9085-B-Half Font Labor-SavingWood Furniture,  by 5 picas; approx. shipping weight, 100 lbs. Code word:
1880 pieces, as per table above; approx. shipping weight,  No.9085-E-Unit Font Labor-Saving Metal Furni-
275 lbs. Code word: WANDERERS.                    ture, approx. weight 155 lbs., six of which will fill metal
No. 9085-C-Full Font Labor-Saving Reglet, 4000  furniture section. Code word: WARDROBE.
pieces 6 pt. and 2000 pieces 12 pt., from 10 to 49 picas,  No.9085-F-Full Font Iron Furniture, as per table on
graduated by ems, and from 50 to 150 picas, graduated  opposite page, 3517 pieces. Code word: WARDROOM.
by 5 picas; approx. shipping weight, 200 lbs. Code word:  No. 9085-G-Half Font Iron Furniture, half quantities
WANDERINGS.                                       in No. 9085-F, 1759 pieces. Code word: WARDSHIP.