MATCHLESS in power among the arts of men is our art of
printing. In its higher influence it is the chief servant of all
that is divine in man. If we would, we may through printing
types confer with all the choice spirits of preceding ages and
learn all the knowledge acquired by men from the dawn of
civilization. This is sober truth. This is a marvelous truth.
Fully comprehended it may open to a printer a vista of pro-
found sentiment, and invest his occupation with a sacred
character. The most influential product of the printing art
is books. There were countless books before the invention
of printing, but let it be remembered that typography is
merely time-saving inscribing, and that writing is man's
most important invention. By that invention humanity was
advanced from a limited instinctive intelligence, inadequate
to lift it out of barbarism, into the boundless arena of pro-
gressive knowledge and invention, renewing and advancing
civilization in every generation wherever the art of inscrib-
ing was freely employed. The invention of printing illimit-
ably increased the educative power of books. Pedagogues
of every degree are taught by printing. Their real task is to
teach their pupils how to assimilate facts and ideas and
inspiration treasured in printed books. The printers'art

MATCHLESS in power among the arts of men is our
art of printing. In its higher influence it is the chief
servant of all that is divine in man. If we would, we
may through printing types confer with all the
choice spirits of preceding ages and learn all the
knowledge acquired by men from the dawn of civili-
zation. This is sober truth. Thisis a marvelous truth.
Fully comprehended it may open to a printer a vista
of profound sentiment, and invest his occupation
with a sacred character. The most influential prod-
uct of the printing art is books. There were count-
less books before the invention of printing, but let it
be remembered that typography is merely time-
saving inscribing, and that writing is man's most
important invention. By that invention humanity
was advanced froni a limited instinctive intelli-
gence, inadequate to lift it out of barbarism, into

MATCHLESS in power among the arts of men is our art of printing. In its higher influence
it is the chief servant of all that is divine in man. If we would, we may through printing
types confer with all the choice spirits of preceding ages and learn all the knowledge
acquired by men from the dawn of civilization. This is sober truth. This is a marvelous
truth. Fully comprehended it may open to a printer a vista of profound sentiment, and
invest his occupation with a sacred character. The most influential product of the print-
ing art is books. There were countless books before the invention of printing, but let it
be remembered that typography is merely time-saving inscribing, and that writing is
man's most important invention. By that invention humanity was advanced from a
limited instinctive intelligence, inadequate to lift it out of barbarism, into the boundless
arena of progressive knowledge and invention, renewing and advancing civilization in
every generation wherever the art of inscribing was freely employed. The invention of
printing illimitably increased the educative power of books. Pedagogues of every
degree are taught by printing. Their real task is to teach their pupils how to assimilate
MATCHLESS in power among the arts of men is our art of printing. In its high-
er influence it is the chief servant of all that is divine in man. If we would,
we may through printing types confer with all the choice spirits of preceding
ages and learn all the knowledge acquired by men from the dawn of civili-
zation. This is sober truth. This is a marvelous truth. Fully comprehended it
may open to a printer a vista of profound sentiment, and invest his occupa-
tion with a sacred character. The most influential product of the printing art
is books. There were countless books before the invention of printing, but let
it be remembered that typography is merely time-saving inscribing, and that
writing is man's most important invention. By that invention humanity was
advanced from a limited instinctive intelligence, inadequate to lift it out of
barbarism, into the boundless arena of progressive knowledge and inven-
tion, renewing and advancing civilization in every generation wherever
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