rass       ule Department
HERE is nothing in a type form so difficult to underlay
and overlay as brass rules; inaccurate brass rules are
uneconomical. We have made a large money outlay during
the past five years in designing machines for the manufac-
ture of brass rule, and have been furnishing brass rule of
the very highest quality and of hitherto unequaled accu-
racy as to body, height-to-paper and uniformity of weight
of face. The machines are described below:
Bentonxutomatic Brass Rule 9Zacing NYachine
This machine, used exclusively by us, takes mill brass made by
special machinery to ensure the utmost accuracy in bodies and
automatically planes smooth the foot and planes on the top the de-
sired face-hairline, 14 point, 1 point, etc.-the strips delivered by
the machine being exact height-to-paper from one end to the other
with perfect uniformity of face, an exactitude never attainable in
brass rule made on brass rule benches.
Benton Brass Rule Zools or Cutters
The uniformity of brass rule depends largely upon the tools or
cutters making the line or lines. These are made of high grade steel
and the face is guaranteed uniform by a method of grinding with
diamond dust in a special machine designed by our Mr. L. B. Benton.
Sawing Brass Rule to Lengths
The reason our Labor-Saving and Cut Rule is always accurately cut
to pica lengths lies in the construction of the saw,which has a unique
method of taking up the wear in thebearings;and also in the accuracy
of the steel gauges used by competent workmen of long experience in
this process of the work. The rubbing and numbering operations
are performed by specially designed automatically fed machines.
Lithotone Brass Rule
Lithotone and Open Square Brass Rules are made on a machine
which absolutely guarantees that the fine lines are of standard
weight and that the distance between a certain number of lines,
center to center, is always exactly one 12 point em. With care in cut-
ting and mitering, perfect results in printing may be obtained. We
have special facilities for furnishing mitered pages of these rules.