American Type Founders Company

Continued fron page 1017

frequently create conditions which make
maximum production impossible. By in-
correct spacing of pillars there are press-
rooms which cannot accommodate as
many presses as they should. By incor-

of a production engineer, so far as the
internal economies of a building are
concerned. Buildings should be made to
conform with the vital necessities of the

plant equipment.

Fig. 5-A 100 per cent efficient printing plant, the result of cotperation between
one of our production engineers and an architect.The owner writes: "Our new
home, containing 30,000 square feet of factory space, was constructed entirely
according to yourproduction engineer's floor plans, the location of all machin-
ery and equipment appearing upon the contractor's plans. These data proved
invaluable as construction progressed, especially to the plumbers and electri-
cians. Everything was so perfectly arranged that by moving gradually from
one building to another we continued operations, doing a 90 per cent normal
month's business and satisfying our customers with deliveries."

rect spacing of windows the efficiency
of many composing rooms is seriously
impaired and much space wasted. By
incorrect placing of doors, stairways and
elevators, water closets, and conduits
many a printer's building has been
doomed to ineradicable inefficiency.The
more qualified an architect is, the more
willing he will be to accept the advice

It is a wiser way than
forcing the plant
equipment to con-
form with an interior
arrangement made
without regard to
maximum produc-
tion. Our production
engineers are compe-
tent and are ready to
advise printers in this
important matter if
called upon before the
internal plans are
made; otherwise, the
choice may be be-
tween ineradicable
inefficiency or a very
wasteful outlay to
remedy errors of an
architect. Profession-
ally the status of a
competent produc-

tion engineer is equal to that of a com-
petent architect.
A highly successful printer writes us
that "in co6perating with your produc-
tion engineer we were confirmed in our
belief that printers do need professional
advice in the matter of equipping and
arranging their plants as much as they
do in the erection of their buildings."


When advice regarding layouts and
improved equipments is needed, apply
to the manager of our nearest Selling
House. It is advisable to make applica-
tion as far in advance as possible of the
time when the work is required to be

done, as our production engineers work
on engagements made weeks in ad-
vance.They seldom can respond to a
hurried call unless more considerate
clients are willing to permit them to
neglect prior engagements.


