Correct Society 'Printing for Letterpress Trinters

DstivEn(Y  Coppirplate printers deliver Socict.v
Printing in neat, stylish boxes. They are compelled
to slip-sheet the work with tissue paper, an expense
the letterpress printer may avoid, if careful. Boxes,
covered with enameled paper for cards and all kinds
of Society Printing, are onl sale to carry the correct
sizes. No matter how excellent your work and quality
may be, women who know the correct practice will
not be satisfied unless the packages are as neat as those

sent out by the copperplate printers. This detail is
ADVERTISNG-The Iclierpress printer, fOllOwinig
the practice ofcopperplate printers, may enlist the co-
operation of stationers, dry goods stores, artd others,
to take ordersforhim. Agent should be supplied with
the diagram of correct card sizes and samples of cor-
rect correspondence papers int fraies, together with
the formula for making prices. .

4'Hrs. jlratch 3las $ssutlit
t0fitn5 notl, Street
The address rnay be onitted.hut it is generally
printed. Spell out the street numisber and ntmbered
streets when practicable. Sizes H1,J.
-.  Riise gtthel Stuptly
1 Sfribusag         fdigtseeni ~rettl teart
On first entering society a young lady does not use
a cailing rard of her on. Hee name 'sprinted below
that lofies mitier wisti onithnt sth"asthome"
day. Ifsbe calls alone a pencil lie is run through the
mother's name. Sizes j. K.

For calling together. Sizes H4. J.

4iNrs.arib IJa USmttytII

tfribuge           nislten rarttl Street
At hme between 300 and 6.0 o'clek to receine
calls, meaning Friday of every week; or it siar be
limited to" First Friday" (of the mnith), "Fridays
untilApril." "FirstandThird Fridays,"etc.Sizes Fl..
4*{rs)Iarsbt B3a~a        sStul
Tie $iaes frsuptlt
Idigiltern nrtit csteet
Whentwo daughtersentersociety in thesamesea-
son this form is used. Even after the daughters have
calling cards of theirown,this or form at left is used
for calling together or for days at home. Sizes J, K.
fSigtenss Yorttl $tereet
For sendin"g with wedding gifts. for joint regrets,
aid reurning first calls after marriage. Use of sep-
arate cards is better form. Sizes 1, K.

r.Merbnert   Iursth                 fk.R   uetice Arthrein fusttt

   1aAttielin ub
For hachelor whose address is at his club. Sizes
B, c. 1).
Retr Atnmiral Xosepl Stitl
Fluiteb g rtatre Nih 
For gesneral oflicer. Sies tt. C. it.

For a judge of a sapreme court. or "Mr. Justice
Smcyth." Sizes B.C. ).
(loonel Rolasia yRobert ssut~ty
Citt  tabailr,3Suitab .tatreArmss
For regimental officee. Sizes B, C, D.

An elder or an only daughter does not prin t in
Christian name andwhile residing with her niothc
ormits ier iddress. Size G.
4f9iss (rnee $smstil
The younger daughters tetheirtfll nanes. SizeG,.
It is not usual to put the home address on a mar-
ried gentleman's card or that of a gentleitan living
with his parents. Sizes B,C,  .
Mir     rbertftgtl
bu steant, nintly tsnfantrg
3lnsitab 55aiea  emg
Forsmilitary ornaval officer belowrank of captain.
Instead of designating the regiment,"United States
Army" is equally correct. Sizes B, C. D.
l al n- e n uglns./1
i-s pcs.         90o   ark  lace
Physician's professional card; or "Dtr. Lawrence
Smyth." Size E.

Should be in the form printed below, and in plain types, in black ink. There is no good reason why the printer
should not develop a demand for printed stationery by advertising, and secure the liberal profits derived froi
the sale of the paper and envelopes. Spell house numbers in full.

aort-ta fuoxfrb  oirulebarb
Ginubbiefs irk


jf0rttbo xforb Woultiarb
*raitlintu Park

?Zlt Muisses * vtl