How HARMON-INKS Will Build Up Your
Col or Printing Business
W1.               EXAMPLE No. 1          show the attractions and recreations
A prospectiv customerwould like  of the resort. Sketches of a tennis
a   ccourt with male and female figures
to have a dealer circular, booklet or
bulletin printed. He has invariably  will be shown; bathing, boating and
used black and white, but has lately  golfing in the scenes. The customer
learned of the greater effect of color. is prepared to pay for a good job in
He knows little about color printing  three, four or even five colors. What
colors should be used that will pro-
except that he has seen some color
jobs. He therefore asks the printer's  duce an attractive booklet with the
jocolors ofreor thes varou scenesinrhar
advice, and until now the printer was
clr mony? The women's costumes with
handicapped through lack of color moyThwme'cstesih..
harmony knowledge, and, secondly,  bathing suits, the knit outerwear of
the trouble of matching commercial the men, can be shown in various
inks with colors selected. This prob- bright colors that are attractive and
4-      lemis easily solved by Harmon-Inks,  in harmony.
withno lossoftimeandnomistakes.   These color combinations can be
instantlydetermined,using the masks
EXAMPLE No. 2           on the Taylor Chart, and ifthe plates  .4A
Suppose a more elaborate piece of  are designed so as to print one over
work is in question, say, a pamphlet the other the resultant color can also
for a summer resort. It is desired to  be seen and determined upon before-
produce a job which will effectively  hand through the use of the chart.
Manufactured b) the SIGMUND ULLMAN COMPANY and supplied by the
4W1              AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY                                41
at all its Selling Houses
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