Steel and Wood Printing Plant Equipments
No. 13985 Steel Imposing Table (as illustrated) for iron surface 39x63 in. or marble surface
36x60 in. On one side there is a rack for nonpareil and pica reglet in standard lengths from 10 to
60 picas, a rack for wood furni-

ture in standard sizes from 10
to 60 picas, a chase rack for six
chases each for 8x12 in. and
l0xI5 in. platen presses. On
the other side, as shown below,
there are 15 two-thirds blank
cases (for cuts, etc.) with pulls
and label holders numbered
consecutively, 11 letterboards
each 201/4x20% in. inside, 8
drawers each containing 12
steel sort boxes (capacity of
each steel sort box, 41/4 lbs.),
and 2 drawers.


No. 3985 Wood Imposing
Table is same as described
above, except that the wood
letterboards are 19x20 in. in-
side. Steel sort boxes are fur-
nished with No.3985.
These tables are sold with
the equipments described
above, except reglet and wood
furniture fonts,which need to
be ordered separately, if re-
quired. The reglet font is No.
3730; the wood furniture font
is No.3754.
Height, 3814 in. Approxi-           *No. 13985 (IN STEEL); No.3985 (IN wooD)
mate shipping weight, with contents Steel, 2000 lbs. Wood, 1700 lbs.

~~NoJ IfiL L L   L  ,
*No.1400-A (IN STEEL); No. 4000-A (IN WOOD)
See next page for illustration of other side, for galley storage

No. 14000-A Steel Imposing
Table (as illustrated) for iron
surface 39x65 in. or marble
surface 36x62 in. One side
has a rack for nonpareil and
pica regletin standard lengths
from 10 to 60 picas, a rack for
wood furniture in all standard
sizes from 10 to 60 picas with
additional lengths of 70,80,90,
100,110, 120 and l40 picas, and
a large drawer. On the other
side (as illustrated on the next
page) there are numbered
openings for 138 pressed steel
galleys, 8%x13 in. inside.

*It is necessary to specify whether iron or marble surface is required. With a marble surface,
a coffin is required. Reglet and furniture also need to be specified, if required.

)tij Ill                   I
*No. 13985 (IN STEEL); No. 3985 (IN WOOD)