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The History of Laid                  ea
and Wove Paper                   c0
BEFORE the invention of paper-makingThe con
machines paper was formed in single
sheets by hand. For the purpose of making   civilizati
handmade paper flat moulds were used, on    Greece;
which the pulp was deposited; this was done
either by pouring the liquid pulp upon the
mould or by dipping the mould into a large  over our
vat containing pulp. Through the centuries  enabled
of paper making these moulds have greatly
improved and the changes have affected the
character of paper which was made on them   Theswayof
to a marked degree. However, the moulds    importance
used at the present time to form handmade   period than
sheets are based on the original principle of  easily recogr
mould construction. To most paper makers    beautyand
and printers the terms laid and wove mean   be expressed
little, aside from the fact that in the former,  which they a
when the sheet is held to the light, the paper  totheevento
shows laid and chain lines, while the latter  andstanda
paper appears to have been woven, without   could cast a
much character. The very earliest paper was  upon design
formed by the Chinese some two thousand     the larger n
years ago on a woven cloth stretched over a  groupsofco
bamboo frame and this constituted the first  appearance
paper-making mould. As the damp sheet of    success orfa
pulp could not be taken from the cloth, the  equipment o
sheet was allowed to dry on the mould and   based on the
was then removed. This method required at   and the valu
least a full day for each sheet of paper to dry  design depen
out before it could be taken from the mould  to please th
Paragraph set in 12 Point Clearface  Pagrph net in
Time wasted in hunting sorts constitutes
one of the greatest losses encountered in    An
composing rooms; buy job type in weight
fonts and you avoid this daily annoyance




pelling powe of beauty has put the
on of past cemuries in debt to ancient
her art and arnitecture have inspired
test creations;the influence of beauty
lives is so co plete that we are now
to trace our p gress by its expression
Paragaph set in 18 Point Clearface Bold
beauty is ofgreater - This meeting of public approval
during the present is the severest test to which the
everbefore. People article is subjected. And most of
izeandapprec     it comes by advertising, for this
hey demand that it displays the evidence of beauty.
in the things with With the aid of illustrations and
re affiliated. Prior correct typography, advertising
fmass production   has been proven capable of plac-
lization the artists ing its product before the buying
bout until they hit public in a most satisfactory and
that would please attractive manner. Today it may
imberof their little be classed as one of the fine arts.
nisumers. But now  Beauty in the article advertised
quite often dictates and the beautyin advertisingare
ilure, for the whole both efficient agents in securing
f a factory may be consumption. Good advertising
value of a design has capitalized the beauty of the
Sof thatbparticular  wares of commerce through the

ds upon its ability4
e public in general
12 Point Clearface Bold Italic

ipublishing of adequate proof of
desirability and practical utility
Paragraph sat in 12 Clearface Bold

erican Type ad Ornaments for
Beauty 4 Printing


Typographic Design
and Layout
TSUALL Yprinting reveals the real man
Lwith remarkable accuracy. Whatevera
merchant possesses in wealth orin poverty
of expressive power will manifest itself in
the interest he displays in the appearance
of his printing. If he has a keen sense of the
fitness ofthings, he will not be pleased until
his printing appears as though it was made
for him personally, and not bargained for
in the ready-made market. Printing must
first be fit for the purpose it is designed to
accomplish. Its physical appearance must
win the respect it deserves from the class to
which its attention is directed. Whether it is
made so or not is a question of the printer's
skillas well as genuine appreciation on the
part of the customer. Inability to sense the
difference between high and low standards
of design, plus failure to thoroughly study
the purpose of a piece of printing, leads to
unintelligent effort and to wasteful results.
Designs or layouts are made by persons of
varying ability. To select the very best man
is a task which calls for wide acquaintance
among artists and designers. Then comes
the necessity ofknowing what each man is
fitted to do, and what each man charges for
his services. Success in solving this enigma
depends upon the ability of the purchaser
to interpret his commercial ideas to artists
Paragraph set in 12 Point Clearface Italic
Clearface has been in conspicuous service
for a long time in nearly all printing offices
and, because of its unusual versatility and
readability, it still remains a leading face

~~~~1 _____________





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