12 Point Oliver Printype                               20A  100a
The house-organ as a business institution is likely
to receive a considerable impetus if newspaper pub-
lishers consistently follow their present tendency to
check the flow of free publicity matter into their
columns. As the newspaper tolerance of this nuisance
diminishes--for an evil it has been declared to be
by not only the publishers in their various associa-
tions but also by the American Association of Adver-
tising Agencies--more and more of this matter will
Characters in Complete Font-7  Point Set
jklImnopqrstuvwxyz.,   ":;? (    = @'/%
12 Point Oliver Typewriter                              9A  32a
Even a little leak, when allowed to increase itself,
soon grows into a surprising total, and the printing
business has its share of insidious, though tiny,
leaks. For example, every time the job compositor
stops to alter the measure of his stick, when finish-
ing one job and taking up a fresh one, he comes to a
complete halt as a producer. It seems trifling, but
it is not the ten seconds necessary to change his
Characters in Complete Font-7  Point Set
ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,-'"1:;!?() A=g/o
Fractions are fonted  4  and furnished separately
10 Point Elite Oliver Typewriter                        9A  42a
Among the illustrious dynasties of master printers we place the
Didot Family third in greatness, following only the Aldines
and the Estiennes. The Didots at the present time are among the
wealthier printers and publishers of France. During the two
hundred years of the existence of their house the Didots have
been progressively prosperous. Today their headquarters in Paris
occupies the same spot on which in 1705 the first Didot learned
the profession of printer. Their principal works are at Mesnil,
Characters in Complete Font-6 Point Set
klmnopqrstuvwxyz. , -'":;! ? () A=*@/%#
Special high period, comma and underscore furnished to order
Justifiers for all typewriter faces are put up in 1-pound and 5-pound fonts and furnished only when specially ordered
NOT'E.-The matrices for the Typewriter Faces shown on this page were cut to match closely the characters used on the
typewriting machines represented. In ordcrto get satisfactory results in matching, these types should be printed
through silk or ribbon with ink made for the purpose. (See examples on pages 525, 526, 527 and 528.)