Air anh        rs       feginal@4ltrrisonil
announce ttw- Imarriage of tkeir hauglIter
on~ t1he afternoonu of ttnshayu, tlhe sixtf of4{iay
at four-thirtu O'cloch
(tcutral 1jresbuterian QCturch
At   vu1tev
after 1Jiue the fiffrentl1
Tie plasure of uour coutpany is rrquesteh at a
(6raiuationu fliunr
in Ijonor of
~i ss aralh eIlen  odenbetlmrg
on thv helning of 31ilneshau, the tenth of WYrbruaru
at half after six o'cloch
liTahn (6arben, hotel 4Vlartinique