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The Kelly Automatic Press Style B

The Kellv A\utonatic Press.Style It was first
offered the printing industrylessthan ten years
ago and instantly became popularfor its abil ity
to produce exceptionally high-grade andl gen-
eral printing at low cost. andi because its de-
sign was along original Yet conservative and
approved lines,maki:g it easy for the operator
to quickly master its simple mechanism. So
great was the demand that nearly2000 ) resses
were sold before any general advertising was
distributed, an unparalleled sales experience.
which reflectsthe recognized superiority ofthe
press and its ability to produce printing ofthe
quality,volume and range that have met with
the approval of printers everywhere.
Marvelously quick adjustments for changes
of work are important features of the Kelly.
Simplification. cion(Insatitio n and] automaticity

are the foundation ofthese and have imade the
unit a revelation in this respect. The shortest
run and] the longest are handled with equal
facility. The Kelly Automatic is not a special-
ized press. It handles nearly every kind of job

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