Giambattista Bodoni
JOHN BAPTIST BODONI,whose works shed lustre on the
J typographic arts, was born in Italy in the year 1740,
at Saluzzo, Piedmont, near the Alps, and learned the
printing trade in the small plant of his father in that
town. At the age of eighteen he entered the printing
house maintained in Rome by the Roman Catholic
Church, known as the Sacra Congregatione de Propa-
BODONI developed  ganda Fide (Propaganda of the
lofty ideals and he
visualized anew the  F         religious
intrinsic beauty of   manylanguages were printed. He
typography. He in-  was thus led to learn a number of
troduced a distinct
and beautiful style  languages, including Arabic and
was the forerunner                   plant
of all modern faces  aown typefoundry, and this type-
foundry was the first to issue a type specimen book.
That was in 1628, over a century before Bodoni was
bor. Bodoni was greatly interested in typefounding,
and he applied himself to it, and became an expert
punch cutter and matrix maker, besides learning or
teaching himself the other main ~"BODONI changed the
owntypefoundradphis type-r
branches. But always the thing       fpaecenr b
hat was mosint, oe  a nto      style is always chaste,
he  asmot ntet o  oaste      relying upon suitable
print beautifully. Bodoni laid te   spacing,goodipropor
tions, proper margins
foundations of his undying fame      and clean presswork,
rahrthan upnthe
during his fel years'               athean
urn                        use of the decorative
work with the Propaganda Fide       effects then in voue
Set n 18 Pont Bodoni Book and Italic, Inset in 12 Point and 10 Point Bodon Book
Heding in 30 Point aodnni Bold. Modern Brackets and Dash