American Type Founders Company
No. 525 (IN STEEL); No. 9063 (IN WOOD)




Fig. 47-Cost-Cut justifying Materials Cabinet. Note bank
for short length leads on top. For specifications see foot of
next page.

A Space-Saver. This is a 4-in-1 cabinet.
It takes the place of the following pieces of
uncorrelated and time-wasting design, and
occupies less than half the space: (1) a lead
and slug bank; (2) a space and quad cabinet;
(3) a general storage cabinet for brass rules,
leaders, quotation quads, etc.; (4) a quarter
case cabinet for auxiliaries. Every cubic
inch within this cabinet is utilized. Every
square inch of floor space has a rental value.
Cut-Cost economies decisively minimize
rental charges.
Lead and Slug Capacity. Short lengths
of leads and slugs, 4 to 91/2 picas, by ens, are
carried on overhead bank, as shown in cut.
Lengths of leads and slugs from 10 to 50
picas, by ems, are carried in racks. There
are 4 compartments in the rack for the most
used lengths (10 to 20 picas), giving a stack
of each of these lengths 42 in, in height. Of
lengths from 21 to 50 picas the stacks may
be 21 in. high.Thecombinedcapacityof bank
and racks is 1465 lbs. In addition, 2 draw-
ers, Nos. 24 and 25, will carry on their edges
123 lbs. of strip leads or slugs. In 10 draw-
ers, Nos.4 to 13 (fig. 46), 800 lbs. of edition
leads maybe carried,if drawers are not used
for spaces or quads or sorts. The maximum
capacity for leads and slugs is, therefore,
2388 lbs. The following table shows weights
and lengths carried in bank and racks.


LENGTHS. .4  4  5   5  6   61/2 7  71/2 8  8  9
POUNDS . . . 5% 6  6% 7  8/ 9'/4 9% 10/ 11 11% 121
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
37 39 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Racks vs. Banks. Racks are better in every way
than banks for storing leads and slugs 10 picas and
longer. Careful tests have conclusively demonstrated
this superiority. Racks save space immensely. Racks
may be placed where they are easier of access than
are banks. Leads on banks are easily pied; in racks,
leads can't pi. Those only object to racks who have
never used them.
Spaces and Quads. There is a total storage
capacity of 1665 lbs. of spaces and quads. Steel re-
movable boxes on top, easy of access, hold 640 lbs. of
8 sizes, each kind in a separate box, 48 boxes in all.
In 10 drawers, with movable partitions, as shown in
fig. 46, page 1037, 800 lbs. may be stored. Drawer No.
26 (see fig. 49), with movable partitions, holds 225 lbs.


10  11   12  13  14   15  16   17  18
19  21   23  25  27   29  31   33  35
34  35   36  37  38   39  40   41  42
33  34   35  36  37   38  39  40   41

43  44   45  46  47  48   49  50
42  43   44  45  46  47   48  49
Fig.48-Drawer-No.3 (overlead rack),carry-
ing4quartersize labor-saving brass rule cases,
and, in rear, compartments for strip rule and
off-cuts, all held face up. See two other rule
cases on overhead bank on fig. 49, next page.


