American Type Founders Company
Selling Houses are Located in Many
Principal Cities
Dear Sir:
Practically every printing office is obliged to
have in its composing room a variety of typewriter
faces to meet the demand of its customers for circu-
lars and typewriter letters. Many buyers of printing
believe that for certain kinds of advertising, noth-
ing can be more effective than the use of a type-
writer face, whether printed through a ribbon to
match a certain make of machine or printed directly
from the type.
To enable the printer to make a selection that
will meet practically every demand made upon him, we
show in this section of the catalogue a wide variety
of typewriter faces made in appropriate sizes. Some
of the faces have been made to match the types used
on the modern typewriting machines, and, when printed
through ribbon or similar material, closely imitate
the original.
The constantly increasing demand for typewriter
letters and circulars, in both large and small quan-
tities, leads us to believe that the printer will
appreciate our effort to provide him with a variety
of styles of typewriter faces that will meet his
every requirement.
Very truly yours,
Lettr  e  in 12 1oint SmitIh-I'rmir Typewritr No. 2  Showingon page530
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