224     ~~i AITA I MANACENIIKNT T'C1';eNrmulTF.t,~                   

I114 144'l iiel t1ordihighelst In1caiss(11v levelar iejlllif;'e lvtmlto btiji.
Iirx-s1                                                   f~

  pcitsibitiilllovvin eit It I t'mlsjO(i i hoei~thev - t~w~ I'ii dli ;iint15
to Isi~l 1 i- I                                                       ji

thel h  ilIeit~   lgif ncs~lltt p ~ildcljeivcl(tIcl~tIt Jfigiict OIA to iiitve
a. 1                                                                  '*tP
(i~llt pr )1s Siieserutnrgoeta       iiisWtti     civ    ~              
                           ~    ~    fit!i'         P,

have nor l hlsjes spendtigw ilitvi-ilY )4 hablitatofirltwilrvriitcl v%-‡
'r 1d9                                                           w

  1i; iat cllfe, (If couse ito vea' eir suleraDeerihctatcop,( 1)4lents jilt)ccc.b,-i1
                                   I                         r
    ecoiti iii the matter~~ of hAbt atbitrpuveitent for deer.iwi'l eeS tom
havlesi it                                                              

of  ssland s)'iprtii; folir ldtipiilc dmae aaerdiient rolt)t lee  sod atèforest
b;asnis, W

  tl(10~i'5,r \V1i, of courl1,ii the cut!,idlttitiiealinsbat am11 1. b7 tatotli
into aittg-                                 r 1-Z.-

rinci I is possible.                                                    

   Thle Vise-ot siri landscape bsI td5lider-gotl maii  v ox 1hai iges dhiritng
tlhe iast           '4

200 years. The a xc, the plow atid lire have reacedt I iitin amIt ro  every

changes are conitimtoigo fioin- dhi to day anid year toer.Ahthoutj Iltr ti
doin 1o) corici-ri tihe trlen Wil dous a -ctaS 511hCih wl-l affectedc dl
cit OgtW 1pti-ods,
(If IA rest exploitatitil , forest fire-s, and seLlItII(A-iCit, thles' are
still, all .iAns                        ,
part of' tie ecology of tile hai d(. We havse nt ot readled a stat, it satc
 or a*
It likely that we ever swill.                                           
                              pVP                     S1
    'ICNiCs M~lT1-indii((t Chilaiges broighilt 1))1 itrideiletl bI or coillicidrtt

wStil, mIr all eons~lnliilw effort for die ")1-i hr ife ate atetiinmiriid
1)'nt-by             ~r~
litire]dIiz  that aice not easily pV't(-I5'tt ;11m1 cretaiis not nec~dily'
           stod.Th penllcimlofpllli. lICISSMI fllwil"loggling, fire
or the  (                         I, ,,             'INA
plows autd acenntpaitiliet iv\ sliccessiio is of anlimal life which inis'de-S,
th1rives.r'~æ       '5 'f               %E

and fittlly~ tides aw~av iii this II lat~iiig hldiiseape is1)1p1r! of' it)n
science-             f"

Wei siwiei J~iol),.'' IC i~sslz1( 11;11tsvfrder, ifhfstlcusik i(a Itinaise
and~                                        A  /4

sa'1rion~s Siil type)s, covser l)'jus 1111(1 ttopographic siltes Xvith w5hlitch
lie wii llt hu  ,I 4A
toI't 11Ceri'ItiU  hiMlilt there are anl nidinile 1illlLIlbr of factors arid
na.tiotis of, facttts thaIt exert all iifucito.)c'  iii tile pattetrt (i
siuccessiolns. there 'u1~u
is ito definlite rulc which ar be set forth1 lto Serve' as an iiitAilibILe
plide h'it-                        -t'v teJi
thle g'ina  mat ager to IA idlow.  Beta use tli -cr is nith Ithat is I ioi
-i toutvIl~
albout phitit sttc('(essionts, thle gante moanagir14,1 will have to c51)crilicltit
Nst bure c
field 4)1 iswatlitois ire to it s tl~iticitl for lain1 tto aisertl~tin Stiwcessionl
jatttrii s.g44 iofrotsIottlaigrnitctlotitttiti tei44
                           first piid~~~~lt-ttl ei~~tifthititil~~~~g li~~ali~ig~~tt~tit
is to detenii titte Sl~~~~~~hite  4)1 1 !)50-31 at the ofC1050-iieI EtherA
isard, Sawyer tdnt ioyercomNttreahij15152.2
    sth in't' ofsPit~cofmigi                o  uctilt   dc

tiultital sv-No  wiltier tatige iiiti(itiotls has 1well itllalgtlraltet,
which, if
cotitimtii-t, will priovicle twlteiteetssatty titer iatitti ttlalivct to
tin' loca ioul
of atesWvIRiere r.t 11ge deliCiL'Ci(iilS eXist.